Because it is important that teens be educated about the potential effects of vaping on their health, brain development, and risk of addiction, it is vital that everyone be educated about teens and vaping. This February 2019, ...
Electronic cigarettes, also called e-cigs or vape pens, are electronic devices that heat a liquid and produce an aerosol — a mix of small chemical particles that are inhaled. Most contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and can harm adolescent brain development. As rates of youth who repo...
1. Nicotine use can harm adolescent brain development. In middle school and high school, students go through critical changes in their developing brains. Nicotine impairs the growth of neurons and directly harms the portions of the brain responsible for learning, memory, and attention. Brain develop...
Vaping also appears to worsen asthma, bronchitis and coughs in young people, probably due to chemicals irritating the lungs. It also increases the risk of nicotine addiction. Many organisations, including theUS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), claim nicotine harms adolesce...
Vaping is dangerous for adolescents, as nicotine can disrupt healthy brain development, which continues until around age 25. Vaping is also not safe for pregnant women, because nicotine can harm both the expectant mother and the developing fetus. Connections between neurons are still forming in th...
It highlights that e-cigarettes contain high doses of nicotine and other harmful chemicals, leading to adverse effects on stress levels, quality of life, and brain development in adolescents. The article also emphasizes that e-cigarettes serve as a gateway to traditional cigarette smoking, with ...
"Nicotine is highly addictive, andtobacco productsare not only harmful to your health, but can also affect adolescent brain development," Allen said. "Ideally, the data gathered from these types of surveys can help spark discussions about how many youths are using these products and ways to sto...
Vaping products contain nicotine, they explain, which may affect adolescent brain development. They’re marketed in thousands of flavors, which “can increase the palatability of the product and help them be targeted specifically at children and young adults.” ...
Nicotine is known to stimulate the firing of dopamine neurons which enhances the saliency of rewarding stimuli, rendering the brain more sensitive to the effects of drugs and increasing the risk for addiction. Previous research and epidemiological data have highlighted nicotine as a gateway to abusing...
Recent research notes that nicotine exposure can harm brain development, which continues until age 25. Schools and vaping access In the study, Lippert discovered that immediately following the introduction of e-cigarettes to the U.S., schools seemed to play a large role in teen e-cigarette use...