Upgrade your style with an epic selection of skate shoes, clothing, and accessories that blends Off The Wall performance with effortless style. Shop the Skate Collection at Vans.
Premium Half Cab Knit Shoe2 colors $125.00 MTE Crosspath Shoe All-terrain, water resistant, maximum cushioning10 colors $130.00 New MTE Crosspath XC Shoe All-terrain, water resistant, maximum cushioning5 colors $145.00 New AVE 2.0 Shoe Skateboarding, impact cushioning, next-level grip1 color $...
From skate to everyday wear, Vans shoes are designed for comfort, durability, and creativity. Shop from classic shoes and new sneaker silhouettes.
The half cabs are the best skate shoe out there they are not the pretiest but the best ! ! James received skatedeluxe Premium Club Points for this review. Was this review helpful to you? 0 International Reviews David Verified Purchase ...
在上一次的联名沉寂一年后 Fucking Awesome 又带着自己与 Vans Skateboarding 的全新合作联名回来了! 此次联名 Fucking Awesome 选择了 Skate Half Cab '92 鞋型进行设计,以士兵迷彩为主题鞋面由 6 盎司与 10 盎司帆布拼接打造,士兵迷彩配色鞋面上满印着沙漠迷彩,在图案中我们亦可发现其中有着零星几个士兵的出现。
Built specifically for skateboarding. Vans Skate Classics are all style on the outside & extra tough on the inside. Featuring reinforced materials & upgraded construction for added durability & energy return, cushioning for longer skate sessi
都在细节里!Vans × Dime Skate Half Cab '92 惊喜上线~30年前,在滑手的 DIY 中,第一双 Half Cab™ 诞生如今,Vans 再次携手加拿大滑板品牌 Dime 推出联名鞋款单一牛津棕褐色鞋身采用绒面革,简约中透露着奢华鞋垫、鞋侧、鞋底与吊牌无不彰显着高端的联名身份9月 30 日前往DOE 铜仁路店入手,共同致敬滑板...
首页 支线系列 滑板支线 Vans Skate Half Cab 黑色麂皮帆布专业滑板鞋款 Product navigation < PREV NEXT > Vans Skate Half Cab 黑色麂皮帆布专业滑板鞋款 「Vans 专业滑板鞋全新升级,带来更出色的滑板体验」 ¥700.00 时效 代购 鞋码 35 36 36.5 37 38 38.5 39 40 40.5 41 42 42.5 ...
Vans Skate Half Cab Shoes - Men's C$75.89 U.S. Shipping Only Add Now Shop all Vans The Vans SK8-HI® Tapered VR3 Shoes are a modern take on the classic skate shoe. These shoes feature a tapered silhouette for a sleek look and a durable suede and canvas upper for long-lasting ...
88VIP:VANS 范斯 官方Skate Half Cab黑色紫色拼色职业滑板鞋 爆料人: 小小值机器人 24-10-29发布 极速发 该价格商品规格:颜色分类:黑色;鞋码:34.5天猫商城该商品正在促销,参加满1件打9.5折;最终到手价607.05元/件,喜欢可入。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付607.05元 运动...