The latest fund information for Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 A Acc GBP, including fund prices, fund performance, ratings, analysis, asset allocation, ratios & fund manager information.
It’s the interaction of the target date and the fund’s asset allocation that controls your descent towards a happy retirement. TheTarget Retirement Fund 2030is 61% in equities at the time of writing, with six years to go until the target date of 2030. The fund will be split fifty-fift...
Alternative ETFs in the FactSet Fixed Income: U.S. - Government, Local Authority/Municipal Investment Grade Segment TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return CheapestSCMB0.03%$528.7 M204,4980.70% Largest (AUM)MUB0.05%$40.4 B4 M0.62% ...
Alternative ETFs in the FactSet Fixed Income: U.S. - Government, Treasury Investment Grade Long-Term Segment TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return CheapestSPTL0.03%$10.9 B4 M1.45% Largest (AUM)TLT0.15%$52.1 B37 M1.62%
Alternative ETFs in the FactSet Equity: U.S. - Total Market Segment TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return CheapestLOPP0.00%$11.2 M1,0775.23% Largest (AUM)VIG0.06%$88.3 B1 M2.68% Most Liquid (Volume)SCHB0.03%$33.4 B3 M3.70% ...
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Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 Fund (October 27, 2003) 6.46% 14.69% 16.77% 12.23% 8.87% 7.03% Target Retirement 2035 Composite Ix 2 6.48% 15.09% 17.00% 12.51% 9.08% 7.14% Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 Fund (June 7, 2006) 5.88% 13.17% 15.05% 11.48% 8.59% 5.86% Target Retirement 2030...
MIFID - Target Market, Costs & Charges Loading... Top Holdings Loading... Asset Class Breakdown Loading... Region Breakdown Loading... Sector Breakdown Loading... Fund Dividends Loading... Group News Loading... Relevant Articles Loading... Related Funds Loading... Literature & Downloads L...
Alternative ETFs in the FactSet Equity: U.S. Industrials Segment TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return CheapestFIDU0.08%$1.3 B74,6663.95% Largest (AUM)XLI0.09%$21.6 B8 M4.65% Most Liquid (Volume)XLI0.09%$21.6 B8 M4.65% ...