Glidepath Source: Vanguard * Target date is the year stated in the fund name and assumes retirement at age 65. Performance & Price Total returns Export data Acquired fund fees and expenses0.08% Quarter-endMonth-end As of 12-31-2024 Quarter-endYear-to-date1 year3 year5 year10 yearSince ...
A target retirement (or target-date) fund is amutual fundthat's specifically designed to change its asset allocation over time, as investors move through their working years. The fund'sriskprofile changes as it gets closer to the fund's target date. For example, a younger investor with decad...
Each Vanguard Target Retirement Fund comes with atarget datethat identifies the earliest year its investors are expected to retire. For example, theVanguard Target Retirement Fund 2030is aimed at investors who plan to flick the Vs to working life between 2030 and 2034, while theVanguard Target Re...
in the Fund would retire and leave the work force.The Fund wi l l gradual ly shift its emphasis from more aggressive investments to more conservative ones based on its target date.An investment in the Target Retirement Fund is not guaranteed at any time,including on orafter thetarget date....
Glidepath Source: Vanguard * Target date is the year stated in the fund name and assumes retirement at age 65. Performance & Price Total returns Export data Acquired fund fees and expenses% Quarter-endMonth-end As of 12-31-2024 Quarter-endYear-to-date1 year3 year5 year10 yearSince incept...
Glidepath Source: Vanguard * Target date is the year stated in the fund name and assumes retirement at age 65. Performance & Price Total returns Export data Acquired fund fees and expensesNote Quarter-endMonth-end As of 12-31-2024 Quarter-endYear-to-date1 year3 year5 year10 yearSince inc...