Vanguard FTSE Pacific Index Fund ETF Shares (VPL) 添加至投资组合 +49.48 (+3.41%) 闭盘24/08 当日幅度 1,500.00 1,501.00 52 周范围 1,084.12 1,501.00 上证指数 2,854.37 +5.60 +0.20% 富时中国A50指数 11,862.36 +53.24 +0.45% 香港恒生指数...
7×24小时,专业的Vanguard PacificETF(VPL)走势技术分析,净值涨跌趋势、技术指标、买入卖出信号一目了然。轻松把握Vanguard Pacific ETF走势与投资机会。
Vanguard FTSE Pacific ETF (VPL) Real-time ETF Quotes - Nasdaq offers real-time quotes & market activity data for US and global markets.
VANGUARD FTSE PACIFIC FUND ETF --- - -- 今开: - 最高价: - 成交量: - 外盘: - 昨收: - 最低价: - 成交额: - 内盘: - 总股本: - 振幅: - 换手率: - 每股收益TTM: - 总市值: - 市净率MRQ: - 市盈率TTM: - 每股净资产: - 英国经济数据>>英国市场快讯>>...
About Vanguard FTSE Pacific ETF The investment seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures the investment return of stocks issued by companies located in the major markets of the Pacific region. The fund employs an indexing investment approach by investing all, or substantially...
Get Vanguard FTSE Pacific Index Fund ETF Shares (VPL:NYSE Arca) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC.
Vanguard FTSE Pacific ETF (VPL) - Find objective, share price, performance, expense ratio, holding, and risk details.
Vanguard FTSE Pacific ETF (NYSE:VPL) 【详情请阅读文章:亚太市场热潮方兴未艾,选对ETF做多中国和日本经济】 Vanguard Materials ETF (NYSE:VAW) 【详情请阅读文章:大摩:美股或从近期高点跌至少10%,投资者可买入这四只ETF】 Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund ETF (NYSE:VO) ...
VPL FTSE Pacific ETF EXPENSE RATIO 0.08% As of02/27/2024 TOTAL ASSETS $9.5B As of12/31/2024 SHARE CLASS ASSETS $6.7B As of12/31/2024 YTD RETURN — As of— BENCHMARK — Overview Performance & Price Fees & Costs Portfolio Yield & Distribution Fund literatureOverview...
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