Get the latest Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fd Admiral (VTIAX) price, news, buy or sell recommendation, and investing advice from Wall Street professionals.
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTIAX) - Find objective, share price, performance, expense ratio, holding, and risk details.
The performance of an index is not an exact representation of any particular investment, as you cannot invest directly in an index. Benchmark comparative indexes represent unmanaged or average returns on various financial assets, which can be compared with funds' total returns for the purpose of ...
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTIAX) - Find objective, share price, performance, expense ratio, holding, and risk details.
Vanguard International Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Admiral Shares (VIAAX) - Find objective, share price, performance, expense ratio, holding, and risk details.
SAI ALL5 072024 Vanguard Admiral Funds® Vanguard Chester Funds Vanguard ExplorerTM Fund Vanguard Fenway Funds Vanguard Fixed Income Securities Funds Vanguard Horizon Funds® Vanguard Index Funds Vanguard Institutional Index Funds Vanguard International Equity Index Funds Vanguard Montgomery Funds Vanguard ...
VIAAX International Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Admiral SharesEXPENSE RATIO 0.16% As of02/27/2024 TOTAL ASSETS $7.6B As of10/31/2024 SHARE CLASS ASSETS — As of— YTD RETURN 5.59% As of11/26/2024 BENCHMARK S&P Global Ex-U.S. Dividend Growers Index (USD) NTR...
11 International Growth Fund Notes to Financial Statements Vanguard International Growth Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end investment company, or mutual fund. The fund offers two classes of shares: Investor Shares and Admiral Shares. Each of the share ...
Energy Fund Admiral VGELX N/A Energy Index Fund Admiral VENAX N/A Equity Income Fund Admiral VEIRX N/A ESG International Stock ETF VSGX N/A ESG U.S. Corporate Bond ETF VCEB N/A ESG U.S. Stock ETF ESGV N/A European Stock Index Fund Institutional VESIX N/A Expl...
may be found through the online fund's screener on the Vanguard website. Vanguard offers Admiral Shares mutual funds with a broad palette of investment objectives and holdings, such as Treasury bonds (T-bonds), tax-exemptmunicipal bonds, balanced holdings, domestic stocks, and international stocks...