No speaker better introduces new aficionados to the Vandersteen mandates than the iconic Model 2. As the team thought about how to improve this design again, they knew they had already found a way to potentially enhance the sonic excellence and stay true to the mandates. The Model 3A Signature...
美国万登庭Vandersteen 2Ce签名版第二代HIFI音箱一对,带原装sa脚架。2018年购于南京威虹,发烧天书常年...
Model 2Ce Signature III “Today’s version {of the Model 2} is a very pure, very transparent, very clear, very precise-sounding speaker. “ Steve Guttenberg See Full Review Dec 22, 2022 Quatro Wood CT "That's primarily what I want from a pair of loudspeakers—not deep bass (which the...
-Model 2Ce’s have a “Ce” after the serial number, in production 1991-2001.-Model 2Ce Signatures have a “Ce” after the serial number plus Richard Vandersteen’s signature on the panel, in production 2001-2007.-Model 2Ce Signature II Anniversary has an “II” after the serial number...
The excellent issue includes recommendations and praise for three Vandersteen Audio loudspeakers: the classic Model 2Ce Signature II, compact Treo CT, and exceptional Model 5A Carbon (seen here). In addition to all of the outstanding gear, the guide contains several pages of music recommendations...
Why is Vandersteen making amplifiers? What is the ideal cable to use with Vandersteen? What is Richard Vandersteen's view of the future of audio? Steve Guttenberg Reviews the Model 2Ce Signature III
张弛有度喇叭单元分频点线式VandersteenΩ负家庭影院音箱我与Richard Vandersteen先生本人在音响展上有过一次接触.通过交谈,我觉得他是一个很随和,很保守但又很执着和坚持的一个人.在音响圈子里,人的态度会决定着产品的特色.正如我这次评论的,由万登庭Model系列组成的家庭影院音箱就是一个很好的例子.当中的2Ce ...
此外,如果大家留意一下Model 1C和Model 2Ce的箱体设计,它们的每一个喇叭单元均有一个独立的箱体,而且每个箱体的容积都不同。其中,高音部分的箱体最小,低音部分的箱体最大,从上到下构成金字塔式分布。另外,高音单元和中音单元的位置也相对的往后退一点,这种设计的目的就是要修正高频、中频和低频的相位,让高、中、...
I purchased a pair of Model 2Ce Signature basically for listening to classical music. I've added a Vanderteen center speaker and two wall-mounted speakers to create surround sound for movies. I love the sound. My question is whether or not I need to add a subwoofer to get 5.1 sound for...