试听音箱“传奇”第二代音响既然说到"传奇",音响史上已经有说不尽的传奇,而真正实至名归的,我想来自美国的Vandersteen万登庭2Ce Signature Ⅱ(2Ce签名版第二代,以下简称为2Ce)绝对算得上其中一个,而且在众多传奇已经成为历史的今天,2Ce却仍然以它独有的生命力东绪vip视听前线...
这个“邮戳”更大、更清晰一些,嘿嘿~~~ 老婆大人没在家,我自己把这只音箱从包裹相当严实的纸箱子中拽出来还是非常费事滴,但心里美……位于图片前面的就是新的“万登庭2Ce签名版”音箱、后面的是即将在主箱位置走向环绕岗位的何氏H9音箱 终于把两只都拽出来了 好久没关注过音箱了,不知道是现在的音箱都把“接线柱...
Model 2Ce Signature III “Today’s version {of the Model 2} is a very pure, very transparent, very clear, very precise-sounding speaker. “ Steve Guttenberg See Full Review Dec 22, 2022 Quatro Wood CT "That's primarily what I want from a pair of loudspeakers—not deep bass (which the...
-Model 2Ce’s have a “Ce” after the serial number, in production 1991-2001.-Model 2Ce Signatures have a “Ce” after the serial number plus Richard Vandersteen’s signature on the panel, in production 2001-2007.-Model 2Ce Signature II Anniversary has an “II” after the serial number...
2Ce SignatureⅡ落地音箱使用喇叭单元:1英寸精准阻尼,磁液冷却音圈高音×1,4.5英寸无反射曲线式三层编织复合音盆中音×1,8英寸压铸曲线式复合音盆低音×1,10英寸精准阻尼长纤维音盆有源声学耦合器×1频率响应:29Hz~29kHz(3dB)灵敏度:86dB/1W/1m 2.83V阻抗:7Ω(正常值)/4Q(最小)分频点:80Hz/600Hz/5kHz(...
这是“VANDERSTEEN 2Ce Signature II”(全名:万登庭2C签名版第二代),的官方图片 这是淘宝售价——我挑了一个报价最高的截的图,嘿嘿~~~当然,我没花这么多钱 这是力工?!不是,这是“于老板”本人……4月初决定要买,获知中国内陆的代理商要进一批新货,于是决定等等,结果一直等到了国庆节!谁说外国人工作效率...
Eighty thousand pairs. According to Vandersteen Audio, that's the number of Vandersteen 2s of various generations which have been sold since the loudspeaker—and company—first saw the light of day in 1977. The 2 has been continually refined along the wa
But of perhaps equal if not more importance to the commercial success of the Model 2 and its variants—more than 80,000 pairs had been sold by the turn of the century, and the speaker is still available as the2Ce Signature II—was the fact that Vandersteen had offered the speaker at a...
(and midrange) level, like the controls on the Model 3 or earlier versions of the Model 2 (prior to the 2Ce Signature III) did. In the case of the Kento, I would have preferred at least a half dB more treble on Linda Ronstadt’s “I Don’t Stand A Ghost Of A Chance” from ...
I am looking for a tube preamplifier to use with my Vandersteen 2CE signature loudspeakers and Simaudio Moon I3 integrated amplifier. What would you recommend? (Anonymous)Fortunately, the Simaudio Moon I3 integrated amplifier allows you to convert input 4 into an amplifier input which bypasses the...