使用说明范德比尔特诊断教师评定量表评分如果行为得小组课.pdf,BRIGHT FUTURES TOOL FOR PROFESSIONALS I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R U S E Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale INSTRUCTIONS AND SCORING Behaviors are counted if they are scored 2 (ofte
[Chin J Contemp Pediatr, 2013, 15( 5) :348 -352]Key words:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Vanderbilt ADHD Parent Rating Scale; Child注意缺陷多动障碍( attention deficit hyperactivi-ty disorder, ADHD) 是儿童期最常见的精神心理疾病之一, 在我国 学 龄儿 童中 患 病率为 5. 95% ~6....
(Department of Child Health,The Affiliated Childrens Hospital of KunmingMedical University,Yunnan Kunming 650034,China)[Abstract]ObjectiveToexploreapplicationvalueofVanderbiltAttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity DisorderParentalRating Scale(VADPRS)indiagnosisandtreatmentofattentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD).MethodsA...
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