Vande Bharat Express is India’s first semi-high-speed train, developed and designed by the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai, a subsidiary of Indian Railways. The train is sleek, modern, and fully air-conditioned, boasting world-class amenities and services for passenge...
(Image Source: Features of Vande Bharat Express Speed- Train 18 has been successfully tested to drive at the speed of 160km/hr. However, this train has the capability to move even faster than this. But keeping the safety regulations in mind, only 160kmph is approved by ...
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In February 2019, India started commercial operations of Vande Bharat Express, its first semi-high-speed train.Capable of running at speeds of up to 160km/h, the train operates on the New Delhi-Kanpur-Allahabad-Varanasi route.Sign up for our daily news round-up! Give your business an edge...