The highly anticipated trial run of the KSR Bengaluru-Belagavi Vande Bharat Express successfully took place on November 21st, 2023. This state-of-the-art train, renowned for its speed and efficiency, embarked on its maiden journey from KSR Bengaluru to Belagavi and back without any com...
The wheels of progress are turning at BEML, Bengaluru, as the production of the first Vande Bharat Express sleeper prototype kicks off. Initiallyreported by Urban Transport Newsin October 2023, this self-propelled train set is envisioned to surpass the existing Rajdhani Express train...
据印度媒体3月11日报道,印度总理莫迪将在该国各条路线上启用10列范德·巴拉特Vande Bharat新列车。至此,在印度全国各地运行的Vande Bharat列车总数将达到51列。这些列车将在45条线路上运行。 这10列快车是Lucknow-Dehradun Vande Bharat以及Patna-Lucknow、New Jalpaiguri-Patna、Puri-Visakhapatnam、Kalaburagi-Bengaluru、...