Seaforth Expeditions offers top-rated expert-lead all-inclusive small group sea wolf and wildlife photography tours on Vancouver Island's rugged coast.
Grey Wolf One of the shyest and most elusive creatures on Vancouver Island is the Vancouver Island wolf.Read More… Birds of Vancouver Island Whales of Vancouver Island Hiking on Vancouver Island
从Vancouver一路穿山越水,途径8个城镇,最终来到梦寐以求的Tofino,在这里,我看见最美的大海~ July 2020 - Vancouver Island 游记 七月的天气,每一天都阳光明媚。为了不辜负这样好天气,于是乎,背起行囊,和家人来了一场自驾游。 本次自驾游为期五天四夜,途径共8个城市或小镇,全程约640km,基本路线是:Tsawwassen F...
Enjoy this exclusive documentary-quality footage from our remote location on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Elusive: Coastal Wolf feature Nov 13, 2019 Stunning wolf images taken on Spring Island for feature story about coastal wolves in British Columbia Magazine, Summer 2019, by Isabelle Groc...
and his crew were the first Europeans to circumnavigate Vancouver Island. On April 8, 1806 Captain John D'Wolf of Bristol, Rhode Island sailed the Juno to Newettee, a small inlet in the northwestern promontory of Vancouver's Island. The Captain described Newette as one of the southernmost ...
From August 4 to September 2, 2020, I (Matt, creator of DIY Packraft) hiked and paddled from one end of Vancouver Island to the other. Watch the highlights video below, or scroll down to read a day-by-day account of this trip. Vancouver Island Geography
Since its establishment as a Euro-Canadian settlement in the mid-nineteenth century, the marine ecology surrounding Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada,
Wolf Brewing Cliffside Brewing *Please remember to drink responsibly and hire or designate a driver when exploring the BC Ale Trail.Wineries Near Parksville Qualicum Beach While winemaking got its start on the island as early as the 1920s, it was in the 1980s when production really got going...
Vancouver Island Tourism in Parksville & Qualicum Beach Clockwise from top left, California Sea Lion, Sea Urchin & Sea Star, Ratfish, Basket Star, Anemones, and Wolf eel. Use Nanaimo, British Columbia to discover the best scuba diving that Vancouver Island has to offer!
diving Nanaimo and Vancouver Island the place to come to! How aboutGiant Pacific Octopusand magnificentSix-Gill Sharks. Or frolic with residentWolf Eelsand hundreds of playfulHarbour Seals. Drift through stunning gardens of colourfulKelp,AnemonesandSponges. Descend along some amazingWalls! All this ...