Vancouver Translink's SkyTrain is an advanced rapid metro system operating fully automated trains on three lines in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Expo and Millennium Lines link the city's downtown to the suburbs of Burnaby, New Westminster, Su
Passengers can transfer to the SkyTrain’s Expo and Millennium Lines, SeaBus, or West Coast Express at Waterfront station. Use Bridgeport Station to transfer from a YVR–Airport-bound train to a Richmond–Brighouse-bound train. Waterfront Station ...
The SkyTrain system is fully integrated with the SeaBus and Vancouver city buses. Your SkyTrain fare will allow you to transfer to either. See our page on fares for more details. If you're out late at night, pay close attention to the SkyTrain operating times. The system does not ...
(Vancouver International Airport)位于市中心区(Downtown)的西南方15公里处(隶属列治文市Richmond的Sea Island海岛),国内与国际航线连接加拿大及美国各大城市,如欲到卡尔加里、爱德蒙顿、多伦多等地,加拿大航空(Air Canada)都提供非常密集的班次。机场税为国际线15加元、国内线10加元、当天转机免机场税。机场与市区有新建...
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (CA)Large airport +1 604 207 7077Visit official website METAR NOTAMS Contact Details Runways Frequencies Operators and Destinations IATA CodeYVR ICAO CodeCYVR FAA Code Latitude49.1939011 Longitude-123.1839981
Vancouver International Airport @yvrairport @yvrairport Features Wi-Fi Free Places inside 溫哥華國際機場 YVR–Airport SkyTrain Station Light Rail 3211 Grant McConachie Way (YVR Airport) "Best deal in town for Seniors - all zone ticket $1.75 on Sunday - even from airport if you have fare saver...
Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Vancouver.Looking for another city? How much does a taxi cost fromJoyce Skytrain Stationto2815 St John's Street Port Moodyin Vancouver, BC, Canada It seems that we do not have fare information for this route ...
How to get to Day Trip from Vancouver to Victoria by Ferry by Skytrain and Bus For Vancouver - Victoria: Exit the Canada line at Bridgeport Station and catch the #620 Tsawwassen Ferry bus from Bay 3. After about a 40 minute bus ride you will arrive at the terminus in front of the fo...
INTERNATIONAL TAXI FARE CALCULATORTaxi fare calculator in VancouverEstimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Vancouver. Looking for another city?How much does a taxi cost from Bridgeport Skytrain Station, Richmond, B.C. to 22nd St. ...
Trains:Vancouver SkyTrain is one of the most-efficient means of getting around the city. There are three lines: the Expo Line with four downtown stations, including Chinatown and the Waterfront; the Canada Line, which can take you to and from the airport, in addition to Vancouver City Centr...