We would like to extend a BIG thank you to our wonderful and endlessly hard working team for their vision and accomplishment, behind and on stage, who came together over the months of rehearsal to build AUSLAND. To the audiences who came out and navigated their own paths through the four s...
Oikeusministeri Tuija Brax haastettava valtakunnanoikeuteen ministerivastuulain rikkomisesta, koska sähköisessä äänestyskokeilussa vaarannettiin ja ulkoistettiin vaalisalaisuus vastoin Vaalilain 83 c §:n 1 momenttia! Otsikon mainitsema asia käy ilmi KHO:n päätöksestä...
Correcting the Pose This stage took about 25 minutes and when I was satisfied that it was ‘something like’ I covered the rest of the previous portrait with yellow, just u til I could work out what kind of a background I would be doing for this portrait. The following stages were basi...
Referer venligst til Kameraets instruktionsbog for yderligere detaljer. ŦAnvend kun én teleconverter ad gangen. FOKUSERING Objektiver markeret med "AF" i [Table 1] vil opretholde autofocus function når de anvendes med Tele Converter. Objektiver markeret med "MF" kan kun an...