阿梅迪奥·莫迪利亚尼(Amadeo Modigliani)——Hanka and Leopold zborowski阿梅迪奥·莫迪利亚尼(Amadeo Modigliani)——Nude阿梅迪奥·莫迪利亚尼(Amadeo Modigliani)——Portrait of Jeanne Hébuterne 保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin)——《ANCIENT MAHORI CULT》古代毛利人崇拜保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin)——Design for...
3. Gauguin made a portrait of Van Gogh working with sunflowers Paul Gauguin,Vincent van Gogh Painting Sunflowers, 1888, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands. In Arles, Gauguin made a portrait of Van Gogh painting one of these iconicstill lifes. Through his manyself-portraitswe are very fami...
Francis Bacon’s Primal Portrait of George Dyer Crouching | Sotheby's Type: video Category:The New York Sales What Motivated Monet to Create This Dazzling View of the Mediterranean Coastline Type: video Category:The New York Sales Exploring Impressionism: From Pissarro to Monet and Beyond | An…...
of Chicago and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. History of Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin's project for reviving painting, called the `Studio of the South'; Van Gogh's pictures addressing his relationship with Gauguin; Titles and descriptions of several paintings included in the exhibition....
但他与高更的友谊却出现了裂痕,在两人用剃刀对峙的当天晚上,他切掉了自己的一部分左耳。第二天高更离开阿尔勒。他们依旧保持通信,但从此再没相见过。这场自残行为有一个非官方术语——梵高综合症(Van Gogh syndrome)。 梵高,《带有绷带耳朵和烟斗的自画像》(Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe),1889,布面...
Self-Portrait, 1887-88 Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel, January 1888 Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat, Summer 1888 Self-portrait dedicated to Paul Gauguin, September 1888 Self-portrait,Winter 1888 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, January 1889 ...
【绝版旧书】Van Gogh and Gauguin: The Studio of the South 梵高和高更:南部工作室 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:10元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(26) 质量很好(20) 坚固耐用(15) 设计一流(7) 珍藏佳品(6) 结实牢固(6)...
In aletter to Theoin 1888, van Gogh said of Gauguin: Gauguin gives me courage to imagine, and the things of the imagination do indeed take on a more mysterious character. Below is a portrait by Gauguin of van Gogh. Paul Gauguin, Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers, 1888 ...
荷兰后印象派著名画家_梵高_ Vincent-Willem_van-Gogh 文森特·威廉·梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh,1853-1890)又称”凡高”,以下称“梵高”,荷兰后印象派画家。出生于新教牧师家庭。1866年从曾德特的乡村泽文伯根的寄宿,梵·高进入蒂尔勃格的文法学校。是后印象主义的先驱,并深深地影响了二十世纪艺术,尤其是野兽派...
However, things start to get a little bit complicated for Van Gogh. He began suffering from a rare form of epilepsy that caused delusions and psychotic attacks. When Gauguin was visited, he had an attack and famously cut off his earlobe. ...