Van Gogh: Painted with Words: Directed by Andrew Hutton. With Benedict Cumberbatch, Jamie Parker, Aidan McArdle, Christopher Good. The story of Vincent Van Gogh, with dialogue sourced from his own words.
Vincent Van Gogh:Painted with my words-”My brush goes between my fingers as if it were the bow on a violin, and absolutely for my pleasure.Let me quietly continue my work.If it's that or the mad man,well,then too bad.And then I can't do anything about it....
Vincent Van Gogh: Painted with Words《梵高:画语人生(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,文森特·梵高 画语人生 文森特·梵高 疯狂的艺术家 围绕他的谜团 The myth of Vincent van Gogh, the mad artist 在过去的一个世纪里让我们如痴如醉 has captivated us for over a
Vincent van Gogh: Painted with Words: The Letters to Émile Bernard.The article reviews the book "Vincent Van Gogh: Painted With Words: The Letters of Émile Bernard," edited by Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten and Nienke Bakker.EBSCO_bspPublishers Weekly...
梵高,一个天赋异禀且卓尔不群的画家,用手中的画笔描绘了他绚烂却短暂的一生。平日我们所接触到的梵高,仅仅是那些标有天价的油画。对他曲折的人生经历却知之甚少。今天让我们跟着#Benedict Cumberbatch#一起,走进梵高的#画语人生#翻译:夕辰 crystal colette校对:泡沫总校:兔吊木时间轴:单人兔 夏空 苏醒树特效:左左...
《梵高:画语人生(Vincent Van Gogh: Painted with Words)》是由导演Andrew Hutton执导的戏剧式纪录电影,重现了梵·高绚烂而短暂的一生。由著名演员本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演这位天赋异禀且卓尔不群的疯狂大师。梵·高用明亮鲜活的色彩吸引了全世界的目光,却在短暂绽放自我之后,于法国瓦兹河畔结束了自己37岁的年轻...
《Van Gogh Painted with Words》,2010,佳作。片中所有对话独白皆有出处,不是凭空臆想,这一点很棒,让观影者很有代入感,也体现了BBC的严谨。从梵高写给弟弟提奥的大量信件,发现梵高的文笔也很独特。想去普罗旺斯住上一阵子的愿望,有多少是因梵高而生的呢。 有用0 没用1 这篇影评有剧透 ...
Van Gogh is, in my opinion, the greatest artist of all time. This, for me, has little to do with his life story ( though it is fair fascinating in it's own right), and everything to do with his use of colour and the style of his work. ...
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