The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Dallas. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in Dallas this year!
The layout of the museum made navigation a breeze, with lots of open space to move around slower moving visitors.The special exhibit featuring Millet was a delight, duck-tailing perfectly with Van Gogh's work. Since photos aren't allowed in the museum, I wish the gift shop ...
The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Phoenix. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in Phoenix this year!
The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit San Francisco. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in SF this year!
The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Detroit. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in Detroit this year!
The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Minneapolis. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in Minneapolis this year!
The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit San Antonio. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in San Antonio this year!
The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Denver. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in Denver this year!
Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit以光影加音效呈现,将梵高的众多画作化静为动甚至重组,投映于除天花板以外的展室,将观众笼罩于画作当中,是以打造沉浸式的体验。画面够美,音效够宏大,甚至很多场景颇具惊喜——比如一轮艳阳由画作“Sower at Sunset”升起,逐渐照亮大地,在太阳升至正空时,画作过渡到“Harvest in Provence”,...
The original Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Chicago. Immerse yourself! Don’t miss out on the best way to experience Van Gogh’s art in Chicago this year!