Van der Woude综合征 (唇腭裂与先天性唇瘘综合征 ) [概要] 唇腭裂与先天性唇瘘综合征(cleft lip-palate and congenital lip pits syndrome)是以先天性下唇凹陷、唇裂和(或)腭裂为特征的一组症候群。 [别名] Demarquay综合征;Demarquay Richet综合征;唇腭裂及下唇旁正中窦 综合征(cleft lip-palate and paramedi...
唇窝综合征 (van der Woude syndrome): irf6雌激素抗性 (Estrogen resistance): esr1 次黄苷三磷酸酶缺陷 (Inosine triphosphatas…|基于4个网页 2. 范德沃德氏综合征 ...,为上皮发育角质细胞增殖-分化开关的一个关键决定因子。该因子基因突变可导致范德沃德氏综合征(van der Woude syndro…www.neo...
Van der Woude综合征(Van der Woude syndrome,VWS)是一种最常见的唇腭裂综合征,约占所有唇裂和(或)腭裂病例的2%[4],其主要临床表现为下唇部凹陷或瘘管、唇裂和(或)腭裂、悬雍垂裂、牙齿发育不全等[5]。该病在家系中呈常染色体显性...
Van Der Woude syndrome (VWS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by paramedian lip pits, cleft lip and/ or cleft palate, hypodontia, syngnathia, narrow high arched palate and hyper nasal voice. Van der Woude syndrome is known to be caused by a mutation in a single gene with equal ...
Van der Woude综合征家系IRF6基因突变分析 目的研究Van der Woude综合征(Van der Woude syndrome,VWS)干扰素调节因子6(interferon regulatory factor 6,IRF6)基因突变.方法提取3个VWS家系成员基因组DNA,聚合酶... 杜新雅,汤炜,田卫东,... - 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 被引量: 11发表: 2006年 van der Woude综合...
In addition, males with Van der Woude syndrome had significantly lower scores on intelligence measures and on a verbal fluency task compared with controls. Conclusion: The pattern of cognitive function in Van der Woude syndrome is very similar to that seen in isolated cleft of the lip and/or ...
Van der Woude综合征(Van der Woude syndrome)是最常见的唇腭裂综合征之一,属于常染色体显性遗传病,以先天性下唇瘘,唇裂或腭裂,牙发育不全为独特临床表现[1],其中下唇瘘的发生率达到88%,唇腭裂的发生率达到21%,牙发育不全的发生率达到25%[2,3].Van der Woude综合征偶见伴发连颌畸形,睑球粘连,巨结肠症,房...
Van der Woude syndrome.Van der Woude syndrome.LOWER LIP PITSSURGERYVAN DER WOUDE SYNDROMEVan der Woude syndrome (VWS) is an autosomal dominant craniofacial syndrome with variable expression characterised by congenital pits and sinuses in the lower lip together with cleft lip, or palate, or both. ...
Van der Woude syndrome: dentofacial features and implications for clinical practice. Australian Dental Journal 55(1) 51- 58.Lam, A. K., David, D. J., Townsend, G. C., and Anderson, P. J. (2010). Van der Woude syndrome: dentofacial features and implications for clinical practice. Aust...
Van der Woude综合征为罕见先天性遗传性疾病.人群中发病率约1/35000~1/100000.以下唇旁正中窦道伴唇裂,腭裂为特征.自从Demarquay于1845年首先报告以来,命名较多,如下唇旁正中窦,下唇窦道,下唇瘘管,唇窝等.本征表现为下唇唇红中线两侧各一个凹陷,可呈浅窝状,亦可呈深窦道状,凹陷开口大小及窦道深浅不一.窦道可向...