Van der Woude综合征 (唇腭裂与先天性唇瘘综合征 ) [概要] 唇腭裂与先天性唇瘘综合征(cleft lip-palate and congenital lip pits syndrome)是以先天性下唇凹陷、唇裂和(或)腭裂为特征的一组症候群。 [别名] Demarquay综合征;Demarquay Richet综合征;唇腭裂及下唇旁正中窦 综合征(cleft lip-palate and paramedi...
( 唇腭裂与先天性唇瘘综合征 ) [概要] 唇腭裂与先天性唇瘘综合征(cleft lip-palate and congenital lip pits syndrome)是以先天性下唇凹陷、唇裂和(或)腭裂为特征的一组症候群。聊城市人民医院耳鼻喉科路学美 [别名] Demarquay综合征;Demarquay Richet综合征;唇腭裂及下唇旁正中窦 综合征(cleft lip-palate a...
We report a case of van der Woude syndrome associated with Hirschsprung disease. The patient was delivered vaginally. Our department was consulted because of cleft lip and palate (CLCP). After cheiloplasty, the department of pediatric surgery was consulted because of continuous vomiting. Hirschsprung...