Under these circumstances, it is reasonable to consider the advantages and disadvantages of two-dimensional materials for infrared detection. This review attempts to answer the question thus posed.Rogalski, AntoniOpto-Electronics Review
Two-dimensional layered materials (2DLMs) have been a central focus of materials research since the discovery of graphene just over a decade ago. Each layer in 2DLMs consists of a covalently bonded, dangling-bond-free lattice and is weakly bound to neighbouring layers by van der Waals interacti...
The discovery of ferroelectricity in two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials has brought important functionalities to the 2D materials family, and may trigger a revolution in next-generation nanoelectronics and spintronics. In this Perspective, we briefly review recent progress in the field...
van der Waals magnetsvan der Waals (vdW) materials exhibit great potential in spintronics, arising from their excellent spin transportation, large spin–orbit coupling, and high﹒uality interfaces. The recent discovery of intrinsic vdW antiferromagnets and ferromagnets has laid the foundation for the ...
However, for two bodies of dissimilar materials, the net interaction may be either attractive or repulsive, depending upon the particular set-up. Whilst all van der Waals interactions per se are attractive, if one of the bodies has a greater attraction for the intervening medium than for the ...
we review the emerging field concerning 1D van der Waals (vdW) atomic chains. We first summarize the various types and structures of their bulk of the 1D vdW materials. Subsequently, we discuss the methods employed for their preparation and characterization. Finally, we analyze the challenges face...
论文题目 | 门可调Van der Waals异质结构用于可重构神经网络视觉传感器 主要作者 | Chen-Yu Wang*, Shi-Jun Liang*, Joshua Yang, Feng Miao 完成单位 | 南京大学,美国马萨诸塞大学 论文概述 南京大学缪峰教授与美国马萨诸塞大学Joshua Yang教授于2020年6月在顶级学术期刊Science Advances发表论文,题为“Gate-...
基于此,清华大学的王训教授(通讯作者)团队报道了一种通过单步溶剂热法设计制备的由Keggin型磷钼酸盐(POMs)和氧化锆(ZrO2)组成并且利用Van der Waals集成自组装形成的异质材料(POM-ZrO2)。这种独特的结构是在不使用任何有机表面活性剂的情况下,通过一种特殊的非经典的聚集生长机制形成的。此外,由于绿色氧化剂在有机...
To this end, the non-bonding van der Waals (VDW) heterostructures, where the weak VDW force joins two distinct materials without forming direct chemical bonds, could offer a pathway to overcome such limitations.14,15Free of direct chemical bonding, many different materials may be readily combined...
范德瓦尔斯转移台VAN DER WAALS是为半导体芯片不同材料在精que位置的堆积过程研究设计的范德瓦尔斯位移台。 范德瓦尔斯转移台具有2个独立的YZ位移台,1个YZ位移台安装有探针台微定位Qi,另外一个YZ位移台移动加热的样品卡盘,并带有一个精密旋转台. 范德瓦尔斯转移台上还有探针微定位Qi,采用弹簧加载支持显微镜载玻片,与卡...