The meaning of VAN DER WAALS FORCES is the relatively weak attractive forces that act on neutral atoms and molecules and that arise because of the electric polarization induced in each of the particles by the presence of other particles.
The chapter explores important features of van der Waals forces and discusses the origin of the van der Waals-dispersion force between the neutral molecules. The van der Waals equation of states was also explained.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-375182-9.10006-5Jacob N. Israelachvili...
Van der Waals forces are the weakestintermolecular forces. Their strength typically ranges from 0.4 kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol) to 4 kJ/mol and acts over distances of less than 0.6 nanometers (nm). When the distance is less than 0.4 nm, the net effect of the forces is repulsive as ele...
van der Waals forces 【化】 范德瓦耳斯力 van der Waals radius 【化】 范德瓦耳斯半径; 范德华半径 Van der Waals attraction 范德瓦耳斯引力 Van Der Waals attraction 【机】 范得瓦力 johannes van der waals n. (= Johannes Van Der Waals) 约翰内斯·范德瓦耳斯 van der Waals equation 【化】...
凡得瓦力(Van der Waals Forces):结合力最弱。 一、剂量与血中浓度的关系最小有效浓度所需时间称为起效(onset);药物浓 …|基于53个网页 2. 范德华力 8 不知道范德华力(van der Waals forces)是分子和分子之间的吸引力,错误写出 ‘S9 不知道电负性(electronegative)一词,是用 … ...
van′ der Waals'` forc`es (ˈvæn dər ˌwɑlz, ˌwɑls) weakly attractive forces that act between neutral atoms or molecules. [1925–30; after J. Dutch. van der Waals (1837–1923), Dutch physicist] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010...
剑桥大学--范德华力精品教材《Van der Waals Forces_ A Handbook for Scientists》 分子模拟 资源 第7页 小木虫 论坛
in this aim. This book will be a useful introduction the field of van der Waals forces for ...
范德华力 (Van der Waals force) 范德瓦耳斯力(Van der Waals force),又称范氏引力或范德华力或凡得瓦力。在化学中,通常指分子之间的作用力。根据荷兰物理学家约翰尼斯·迪德里克·范·德·瓦尔斯命名。范德瓦耳斯力是一种电性引力,它比化学键弱得多。其中分子的大小和范德瓦耳斯力的大小成正比。 一个原子周...
: of, relating to, or arising from van der Waals forces van der Waals interaction van der Waals potential The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Expanded definitions Detailed etymologies Advanced search tools All ad-...