沪江词库精选van der Waals equation of state是什么意思、英语单词推荐 【化】 范德瓦耳斯状态方程 相似短语 van der Waals equation of state 【化】 范德瓦耳斯状态方程 van der Waals equation 【化】 范德瓦耳斯方程 Van der Waals attraction 范德瓦耳斯引力 van der Waals radius 【化】 范德瓦耳斯...
from the Van der Waals equation of state. There is no direct motivation for the following algebraic manipulations, other than the final result. p + V c 3b 2 (3) 27b 2 p c V 2 (5) V − V c 3 (3) = V c 3b (3) τ (6) To eliminate b, consider (5) divided by (4)...
EQUATIONS of stateSPECIFIC heatPARTICLES (Nuclear physics)CRITICAL temperatureFERMI energyThe application of the van der Waals equation of state to the asymmetric nuclear matter is considered in a critical state region. The corrections to the van der Waals pressure and free ene...
van der Waals equation n. An equation of state that relates the pressure, volume, and absolute temperature of a gas taking into account the finite size of molecules, and their intermolecular attraction, having the formRT =(P + av-2)(v - b), whereRis the gas constant,Tis the absolute ...
liquid densities/ A0570C Thermodynamic functions and equations of stateThe Van Der Waals equation of state has been modified in order to improve its accuracy. The introduction of a temperature dependence of the attraction term allows reproducing accurately pure-compound vapour pressures. The ...
Schmidt G,Wenzel H.A Modified van der Waals type equation of state. Chemical Engineering Science . 1980Schmidt, G. und H. Wenzel: A modified van der Waals type equation of state. Chemical Engi- neering Science, 35(7):1503-1512, Jan. 1980....
范德华方程(van der Waals equation)是范德瓦耳斯方程的另一种翻译,简称范氏方程,是荷兰物理学家范德瓦耳斯(van der Waals,又译“范德华”、“凡德瓦耳”)于1873年提出的一种实际气体状态方程。方程形式 范德瓦耳斯方程的具体形式:式中 p为气体的压强 a'为度量分子间引力的唯象参数 b'为单个分子本身包含...
The meaning of VAN DER WAALS EQUATION is an equation that defines the physical state of a homogeneous gas, is a modification of the ideal-gas equation, and more nearly describes the properties of actual gases: (p + (a/v2)) (v—b)=RT where p is the pressu
The vapour–liquid equilibrium (VLE) properties of polar and non-polar fluids have been modelled by the use of two modified van der Waals (vdW)-type equations of state (EOSs). In this article, a revised method is applied to the above-mentioned EOSs to improve the representation of VLE pro...