van der Waals energyH/ A7320M Collective excitations (surface states) A3420 Interatomic and intermolecular potentials and forces A7920N Atom-, molecule-, and ion-surface impact and interactions/ H/elThe self-energy of a hydrogen atom placed between two parallel metal plates is calculated. The ...
应用量子场论,可以发现van der Waals效应跟Casimir效应具有相同来源,都起源于零点能不可忽略的电磁场的自发涨落。其简化理论来源于Lifshitz(《统计物理学II,凝聚态理论》),vdW和Casimir分别是同一理论在两种不同极限下的情况: 关于更详细的QED理论,暂时还未知。这部分内容有空另起一篇帖子补全。 广告 现货 统计物理学...
由于vdW相互作用和Casimir相互作用都是大于原子尺度的,所以可以通过一种统一的办法来处理。这个办法是Lifshitz最先发明的,好在记载于他和皮塔耶夫斯基的《统计物理学II》里[1],不用再去找原始的俄文文献了。 一般理论 考虑两个“宏观”物体,不需要多大,只需要大于原子尺度即可,两物体的相互作用哈密顿量可以写为 ...
We scaled the size of the pentamers as Yρ=ρr2ρR−2 and analyze in the next Section how it depends on the dimensionless scaled binding energy, XE=mBρR2ℏ−2. Results First, we discuss homogeneous five-body quantum systems A5, i.e., van der Waals clusters of five identical ...
Van der Waals magnet integration for energy-efficient spintronicsLishu Wu Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering volume 1, page 217 (2024)Cite this article 222 Accesses 3 Altmetric Metrics details Spin-orbit torque (SOT) is a physical phenomenon in which a current passing through a material with str...
The van der Waals energy is conveniently expressed as a function of readily accessible bulk properties of the respective materials. Application to several non-reactive metal-sapphire systems shows the predicted van der Waals energy to provide a good lower-bound estimate of the measured adhesion ...
van der Waals energyQED in causal mediamicrosphereWithin the frame of macroscopic quantum electrodynamics in causal media, the van der Waals interaction between an atomic system and an arbitrary arrangement of dispersing and absorbing dielectric bodies including metals is studied. It is shown that the...
分子间作用力是只存在于分子(molecule)与分子之间或惰性气体(noble gas)原子(atom)间的作用力,又称范德华力(van der waals),具有加和性,属于次级键。氢键(hydrogen bond)、弱范德华力、疏水作用力、芳环堆积作用、卤键都属于次级键(又称分子间弱相互作用)。发展历史 1657年波义耳研究空气导弹,得到了波义耳...
范德华方程是荷兰物理学家范德瓦耳斯(van der Waals,又译“范德华”、“凡德瓦耳”)于1873年提出的一种实际气体状态方程。范德华方程是对理想气体状态方程的一种改进,特点在于将被理想气体模型所忽略的气体分子自身大小和分子之间的相互作用力考虑进来,以便更好地描述气体的宏观物理性质。简介 范德华方程(van ...