应用量子场论,可以发现van der Waals效应跟Casimir效应具有相同来源,都起源于零点能不可忽略的电磁场的自发涨落。其简化理论来源于Lifshitz(《统计物理学II,凝聚态理论》),vdW和Casimir分别是同一理论在两种不同极限下的情况: 关于更详细的QED理论,暂时还未知。这部分内容有空另起一篇帖子补全。 广告 现货 统计物理学...
We report the fabrication of ohmic van der Waals (vdW) contacts to WSe2 using degenerately p-doped MoS2 (p+-MoS2) as a contact-metal. We demonstrate in WSe2 field-effect transistors (FETs) that accumulation-type ohmic contacts and high device performance are achieved without electrostatically ...
. Thus, optimizing the contacts between 2D semiconductors and metal electrodes is an important technological challenge. Several strategies, such as phase engineering to create lat- eral metal–semiconductor–metal heterojunctions 14 , formation of clean interfaces via van der Waals contacts using gra...
Here we report the realization of ultraclean van der Waals contacts between 10-nanometre-thick indium metal capped with 100-nanometre-thick gold electrodes and monolayer MoS2. Using scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging, we show that the indium and gold layers form a solid solution after ...
应用量子场论,可以发现van der Waals效应跟Casimir效应具有相同来源,都起源于零点能不可忽略的电磁场的自发涨落。其简化理论来源于Lifshitz(《统计物理学II,凝聚态理论》),vdW和Casimir分别是同一理论在两种不同极限下的情况: 关于更详细的QED理论,暂时还未知。这部分内容有空另起一篇帖子补全。 广告 现货 统计物理学...
Here we report a van der Waals integration approach for creating high-performance contacts on monocrystalline halide perovskite thin films with minimum interfacial damage and an atomically clean interface. Compared to the deposited contacts, our van der Waals contacts exhibit two to three orders of ...
Van der Waals contactGaNOptoelectronicsMetal-semiconductor contactMetal–semiconductor contacts play a pivotal role in controlling carrier transport in the fabrication of modern electronic devices. The exploration of van der Waals (vdW) metal contacts in semiconductor devices can potentially mitigate Fermi-...
The electronic contact between two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) semiconductors and metal electrodes is a formidable challenge due to the undesired Schottky barrier, which severely limits the electrical performance of TMD devices and impedes the exploration of their unconventional ...
论文题目 | 门可调Van der Waals异质结构用于可重构神经网络视觉传感器 主要作者 | Chen-Yu Wang*, Shi-Jun Liang*, Joshua Yang, Feng Miao 完成单位 | 南京大学,美国马萨诸塞大学 论文概述 南京大学缪峰教授与美国马萨诸塞大学Joshua Yang教授于2020年6月在顶级学术期刊Science Advances发表论文,题为“Gate-...
关于理想气体、真实气体和van der Waals方程的简单叙述如下:理想气体: 理想气体是一种理论模型,假设气体分子没有体积。 分子间不存在相互作用力,且分子与容器壁间发生完全弹性碰撞。 理想气体状态方程在低压、常温条件下能较好地描述气体行为。真实气体: 真实气体分子具有体积,且分子间存在相互作用力。