It’s 2022 and the first disabled left-handed Asperberger’s transwoman bank clerk is not. Stop. Same goes for those who insist personal experience is the only way to know things and thus in one swipe eliminate the point of poetry, history, painting, fiction, and the rest of scholarship...
county. He once asked a visiting congressman whether the lawmaker could responsibly spend that kind of money back home, and “he said hell no. I’m doing it for communities that live in mud huts with no windows.” It was never a question of would it work, but more of a question of...
•TownClerk •RecordsManagement •TownAttorney& Engineer •TownBuildings •DogControl •Highway Administration •ParksandRecreation; Youth&Seniors •Historian FunctionsChargedtoGeneralTownFund, Part-Town •PolicePatrols •CodeEnforcement ...