This is where "Vampyr" is, of all the surrealist films I've seen, the best of its kind. Ultimately it is not random, and we see that Dreyer was weaving a masterpiece of layered perspectives. I'll give you one more example of an amazing scene... ...
This is the best ending in the game.After talking to William Marhall, Jonathan convinces Elisabeth that together they can overcome the curse of vampirism. Two lovers set off into the world, travelling and trying to find a cure. To get this ending, you can't suck blood from any other cit...
Combat is much closer to something like Dark Souls and it's many clones. That means a lot of dodging and waiting for the right moment. Nothing wrong with that but it feels like total opposite of most vampire power fantasies. To make matters worse, if you want the best ending you have ...
“Yes, I’m always nostalgic when I come to the city, so in your honor I do my best to spare at least one person on any given day that I would have otherwise killed. I came upon a check point and found a group of men raping young men and women before allowing them past the che...
Got the best ending and it just felt lackluster. It's definitely worth at least one playthrough Jesse_L (member since 2014) reviewed on 7/2/18 6 agree 6 Has potential For all the flaws this game suffers from, it was still fun to playthru once until you hit the last chapter and ...
Even the best are under-appreciated for what they can tell us about human nature. In the case of Carl Dreyer's "Vampyr," however, all you seem to hear is high-brow rhetoric about how the film's dream-like illogic makes it a meditation upon death. For just once forget all the ...