Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption is a computer role-playing game released on June 7, 2000 by Activision. The game follows the adventures of a French crusader, Christof Romuald, through Prague and Vienna in the Dark Ages and modern-day London and New York City. The game is based on th...
【吸血鬼之避世救赎】自制中字 Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption——Part6 279 2 20:11 App 【吸血鬼之避世救赎】自制中字 Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption——Part16(END) 268 3 11:07 App 【吸血鬼之避世救赎】自制中字 Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption——Part13 285 -- 23:18 App 【...
《Vampire: The Masquerade — Parliament of Knives》预告-(自制中字) 小宅英 238 0 【吸血鬼之避世救赎】自制中字 Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption——Part4 小宅英 350 19 【吸血鬼之避世救赎】自制中字 Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption——Part2 小宅英 575 21 《吸血鬼之避世:血族2》...
吸血鬼:化妆舞会Vampire:TheMasqueradeRedemption 更多吸血鬼:化妆舞会V ampire:TheMasqueradeRedemption相关信 息请点击这里获得类别:游戏攻略 类目:其它游戏 序章:公元1141年,你,Chirs Mabo,一名帝国勇士不幸在一次战役中负伤晕厥。当你醒来后发现自己躺在床上,周围场景很陌生,而床边正坐着一位美丽的修女。“这是...
Location: Vampire - Redemption\3d\Anims (Resource.nob) Open With: Maya 2.5-3.0,Noesis(With thenew plugin) NMS files Description: Are motion definition files that tell a model what animation file to use for what event. Location: Vampire - Redemption\3d\Motions (Resource.nob) ...
Following Redemption, Bloodlines is second PC title based on White Wolf's successful tabletop role-playing game, Vampire: The Masquerade, and features a first-person-action style similar to that of its 2000 predecessor. In the role of vampire character, gamers adventure through a mature-themed st...
Each character harbors their own tales and tribulations, offering opportunities for loyalty, betrayal, and redemption..Dive into a deeply immersive narrative that delves into the dark underbelly of the World of Darkness, exploring themes of power, morality, and the struggle for humanity in the face...
绝大多数魔法没卵用或功能重复,强推:隔空吸血,冰冻,雷电,疾速,恐爪,控制,复活,时空门游侠网原文链接:敬上必备秘籍:"C:\Program Files\Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption" -console单人游戏模式当中,按下“~”打开控制台,输入下列密码:...
Vampire: The Masquerade-Redemption DRM-Free Download - PC Game - Full GOG Version Title: Vampire: The Masquerade-Redemption Genre(s): Role-playing -
The Game master The introduction of GM functionality in multiplayer computer role playing games such as Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption and Neverwinter Nights, indicate a substantial potential for development of toolsets for human-controlled interactive, ... A Tychsen,M Hitchens,T Brolund,... 被...