get to meet our more valuable clientele. Heads of state. Members of the European Parliaments. Some of the most established, wealthy families in Europe. Yet, as you worked with these people, you always felt that there was something still to come. You hadn’t quite ascended to the top yet...
families. Research from the 20th and 21st centuries has posited that characteristics associated with vampires can be traced back to certain diseases such asporphyria, which makes one sensitive to sunlight;tuberculosis, which causes wasting;pellagra, a disease that thins the skin; andrabies, which ...
“ You believe in collective bargaining to get justice for working families. And if that fails, there's collective wrench beatings. ―Flavor text ”Gender: Both Bonus: Swap the priority order of your Attributes to Physical, Social, Mental. Penalty: N/A...
There are five major covenants; others do exist, but the vast majority of Kindred are members of the major five, who often disregard the others. Unlike clans, which may be thought of as families, a covenant is chosen by the vampire according to his or her beliefs. A vampire's Sire's ...
Form alliances between the Vampire families, conjure demons to bend to your will, and discover the secrets hidden throughout the opening weekend of The DeKoven Hotel. Stay the weekend at the DeKoven Estate, transformed into a roaring 1920’s hotel – full of terrors and... Read more » ...
left her tribe on her own volition. This doesn’t mean that the historical Boisverd treated her well, of course, and history is full of white traders taking Indian wives, only to abandon their native families after they’ve returned to “civilization.” As a fiction writer, one may spin ...
The ghosts from Jeremy's past have a powerful message they're trying to deliver to him, not to mention the impact they're having on his relationship with Bonnie Bennett; as Caroline and Tyler grow closer, a war erupts between their families. ...
Actualité psychiatrique sur les vampires. Vampire : un mythe contemporain ?AdolescenceMoral predationMythNarcissistic perversionNew familiesVampireThis article concerns the mythical dimension of vampires. Vampires have made an impressive comeback through literature (Anne Rice), cinema ( Dracula, Interview ...
On the evening of April 1, 1957, thousands of British families tuned in to watch Panorama—one of the day’s top current events broadcasts—to witness footage of a happy Swiss family harvesting their prized spaghetti trees. Unbeknownst to many viewers, the four-minute “news” segment, which...