Vampire Survivors has 25standard charactersto choose from, with 16secret charactersto unlock through various means. We won’t exhaust ourselves on which characters to choose from but rather on whichones are the best to start with. We can exhaustWeapon Combinationsin its entirety, but th...
How do I unlock Endless Mode inVampire Survivorswith the Seventh Trumpet? First, you’ll need to unlock the special stage Eudaimonia Machine. This process is straightforward, but hardly easy. You’ll need to gather all 20 standard relics across all the stages. However, a mysterious entity know...
Learn how to unlock every character, weapon, item, arcana, and level in Vampire Survivors, as well as the steps to unlock all of the secret character forms.
Vampire Survivorshas a lot of stages with monsters that swarm as you try to survive, and, in total, there are12 maps to dive intoand a a few extra with the DLCs. Here’s a rundown ofall theVampire Survivorsmapsand how you can unlock them. Recommended Videos Normal stages at the begin...
As an avid all-things-vampire fan, I will take any excuse to play Vampire Survivors for ten hours straight yet again. This rings especially true now that I have a Steam Deck, which might as well be my own portable Vampire Survivors machine. Are you a fan of vampires, too? Be sure to...
Vampire Survivors Full list of all 220 Vampire Survivors achievements worth 1,620 gamerscore. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game. The base game contains 140 achievements worth 1,200 Gamerscore, and there are 12 DLC packs containing 80 achievements ...
the Gracia’s Mirror.The relic can be obtained by first interacting with The Directer on the Eudaimonia Machine stage and picking the Too Easy option. But unlocking the Eudaimonia Machine stage is not easy, as you will need to collect all of the game’s standard relics in order to do so...
Once players have defeated all of these bosses inVampire Survivors, they will unlock Moongolow. From Moongolow, players need to access the hidden stage known as Holy Forbidden. This will be temporarily accessible once players survive 14 minutes in Moongolow with a standard character other than...
Take a look at these Vampire Survivors alternatives. Thy Great Gospel – ascend beyond infinity To supplement your firepower, along with your base weapon, several goodies called Relics can be acquired and they bring a lot to the table. One example is the Great Gospel. Let's crack open the...
Vampire Survivors Patch 1.3.0, or “The Chaos One,” is here, with new achievements, a new challenge stage, and a couple of new relics. Developer poncle shared thelatest patch notesearlier today, February 9, detailing what you can expect from the latest update. Be warned, however, that ...