Subjectivesymptoms PriorhistoryofrheumaticfeverGeneralmalaisePain–mayormaynotbepresent Objectivesymptoms TemperatureMurmursDyspneapolyarthritis RheumaticHeartDisease Diagnosis H/P WBCandESR C-reactiveproteinCardiacenzymesEKGChestx-rayEchoCardiaccath...
Similarly, in both aortic and mitral regurgitant disease, symptoms are delayed as the heart dilates to accommodate increased volume. Symptoms occur after the heart is so dilated that circulatory compensation diminishes, usually when patients are aged 40-60 years. When symptoms develop, ...
内科学教学课件514 Valvular Heart Disease DiseasesofCirculatorySystem ValvularHeartDisease MitralStenosis 病因和流行病学 病因:风湿性疾病,退行性疾病,新型瓣膜病(如AIDS,药源性以及遗传性)BernardIunga*,AprospectivesurveyofpatientswithvalvularheartdiseaseinEurope:TheEuroHeartSurveyonValvularHeartDisease.European...
【搬运KhanAcademy】循环系统疾病——Diastolic heart failure pathophysiology 702 -- 10:00 App 【搬运KhanAcademy】循环系统疾病——Septic shock - pathophysiology and symptoms 545 -- 12:13 App 【搬运Khan Academy】循环系统——Layers of the Heart 1162 200 10:09 App 【搬运 KhanAcademy】循环系统——Me...
系统标签: heart valvular 瓣膜 mitral disease 心脏 心脏瓣膜病(Valvularheartdisease)One,rheumaticheartvalvediseaseNarrow-1.Generationofnoise-turbulence--directioninconsistent-returnflow(1)twosteps:thevalveposition,thevalveswitchMitralstenosis:apicaldiastolicmurmursMitralvalveclosure:systolicmurmursintheapexAorticvalvecl...
The electrocardiogram shows first degree antrioventricular block and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). His transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) also reveals a bicuspid aortic valve with severe aortic regurgitation.BondCardiology ST3RichardCardiology ST3DayerCardiology ST3MarkCardiology ST3Foundation Years Journal...
上海交通大学医学院内科学课件 Valvular Heart Disease.ppt,VALVULAR HEART DISEASE Shen Jieyan MD SSMU Department of cardiology Rheumatic Fever Definition: autoimmune disease caused by streptococcal infection, cross-react between streptococcal antigens and s
3.6 Valvular heart disease Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a structural or functional abnormality of cardiac valves. The main causes of VHD are calcific aortic stenosis in the elderly, floppy mitral valve/mitral valve prolapse associated with mitral regurgitation, bicuspid aortic valve, VHD asso...
Abnormal left ventricular response to exercise, increase in pulmonary pressure or change in the hemodynamic severity of the valvular disease adds to the prognostic value of elicited symptoms. In this article we discuss the validated indications, proven prognostic values and potential influence on ...
Valvular heart disease (VHD) is caused by either damage or defect in one of the four heart valves, aortic, mitral, tricuspid or pulmonary. Defects in these valves can be congenital or acquired. Age, gender, tobacco use, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and type II diabetes contribute to the...