内容提示: VALVES AND PIPELINE SUPPLIESAPI Trim NumberNominal Trim Trim code Stem & other trim parts Disc/Wedge SurfaceSeat surface JSeating Surface Hardness (HB) Minimum ASeat Surface Material Type BSeat Surface Typical Specif i cation Guide Stem/BushingTrim Material GradeCast ForgedWelded MMaterial...
API 600 Trim Number Chart Latest Edition: The Seat, Disc, Back Seat, Stem Material of Trim No. 1, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13,14, 15 and all other API Trim No. included.
4. TRIM MATERIAL: BRONZE OR 316 SS 5. BODY & SEAT: BSE, BSS, BSSV. Restrictor Check: 303 SS, BSA: 416 SS, BSSH6, BSSH7, BSSV6: 316 SS, DSV:316L SS 6. Inconel® X-750 spring is standard. * CF8M is the cast grade of 316 SS. ...
astm a216 gr wcb ball valve is a type of ball valve that is made up of the WCB material. The size of the valve is 20 inches and the pressure class is 300. The ASTM A216 standard also covers the API Trim 8 dimensions. The astm a216 gr wcb gate valve has end to end dimensions as...
Gate Valves Trim Chart Service Conditions Trim Code SERVICE CONDITIONSTrimBodyBonnetGateSeatStemBSR General / Non Corrosive AA A487 4D/4130 4130 4130 4130 4130 1018 General / Slightly Corrosive BB A487 4D/4130 4130 410SS 410SS 17-4SS 316SS General, Moderately Corrosive, CO2 CC CA6NM / 410...
Material Suffix常用结构 Common Designation铸造规格 Casting Specification应用建议(1) Service Recommendations (1)可提供的美国太平洋阀内件(2) Available Pacific Trim (2) 标准配置 Standard备选 阀内件(3) Optional Trims(3) 闸阀 Gates旋启式 止回阀 ...
In simplistic terms and for dry saturated steam, if this is greater than 150 m/s, there is a chance that the valve body is too small (even though the valve trim size suits the required capacity). Higher velocities also cause erosion in the downstream valve body, especially i...
Packing glands and/or stuffing boxes are not permitted and there shall be no pistons operating the main valve or pilot controls.Main Valve Body No separate chambers shall be allowed between the main valve cover and body. Valve body and cover shall be of cast material. Ductile Iron is ...
Gate Valve - Parts and Material List Our company is a reliable manufacturer of One Piece Ball Valve, Reduced Bore Valve, Full Ball Valve, Reduced Bore Ball Valve, Gate Valve, and Valve Parts. : Parts No.Parts NameMaterial WCB / Trim 1WCB / Trim 8WCB / Trim 5CF8 / Trim 2CF8M...
Trim material: AISI 316 Seal: FKM Temp: -10 +140°C F5.028 Body: EN GJL 250 Trim material: AISI 316 Seal: Silicon rubber (approved for drinking water) Temp: -10 +70°C Versions 118 .brandoni.it C h e c k v a l v e