据了解,Valve自2019年推出Index VR头显以来,一直在VR领域保持活跃,并多次表示团队在持续探索VR技术。有报道称,Valve正在开发一款代号为Deckard的VR头显,尽管公司尚未正式公布此项目的具体信息。Index 2头显的传闻也在业界广泛传播,该设备预计将在2025年发布,并可能在多个关键特性上进行重大升级,如配备电池、内置...
Valve Index®purchases are limited to one per customer. See FAQ for details. California Residents WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm associated with materials used in Base Station housing, power supply, and cables GetHalf-Life: Alyxfree when you finalize purchase of any headset or controller ...
5,149,632 Steam players are in-game now Our hardware is a happiness delivery vehicle. We make consumer electronic devices that expand and improve gaming on the PC. Things like theSteam Deck,Valve Index,Steam Controller, andSteam Link. We invented theVR technologiesthat power theVive, an inter...
SteamVR Performance Test is no longer available as of November 21, 2023. SteamVR Performance Test is made in theSource 2game engine and has assets imported fromSource'sPortal 2. The test currently only runs onMicrosoft Windows. See also ...
vr headset base station with the same color on both sides. compatible with all-in-one vr headsets. ✨ Valve index vr full kit: a full set of all-in-one vr headset base stations and vr, the all-in-one valve index gives you the right amount of leverage to keep your game ready in...
✨ Valve index vr full kit: a full set of all-in-one vr headset base stations and vr, the all-in-one valve index gives you the right amount of leverage to keep your game ready in one place. ✨ Complete kit: vr headset base station with controllers, power adapter, cable management...
Describe the bug SteamVR failed to initialize for unknown reasons. (Error: Not Initialized (109)(109)) SteamVR launches, Valve Index LEDs are stuck in blue, eye pieces are grey and sometimes I get flickers of the vr home randomly for a f...
valve inde..刚刚到手大半个月,也没怎么玩,主要是看了下视频,另外玩了下游戏,说下个人的感受吧。此前只用过VIVE一代,所以,就用VIVE来对比,首先是清晰度,确实要清晰许多,基本上已经没有纱窗的感觉,当然,画面多
3. 使用手柄拉开一个抽屉,让玩家明白如何使用手柄与VR环境进行交互。 玩家拉开第一个抽屉看到的是一卷机器人的蓝图,第二个抽屉是一盘坏掉的蛋糕(熟悉《Portal》系列的玩家都知道这是什么意思),第三个抽屉则是一个小小的办公间,《Portal》风格的小黑纸片人正在办公。而当他们看到巨大的玩家之后,就会开始恐慌并且四处...
getpos dump position and angles to the console give Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name> gl_clear 0 None god Yes Toggle. Player becomes invulnerable. (Suit will still take damage.) +graph None -graph None groundlist Display ground entity list <index> HCommand...