With these features, as well as the dual-element lens and canted optics, this headset provides 20° more FOV than the HTC Vive for typical users. Dual-element lens The custom lenses built into the Valve Index Headset maximize field of view without sacrificing edge-to-edge clarity. High ...
「碰——強勁飽滿的聲音」 Road to VR 為極致的沉浸感和舒適體驗而生,創新離耳音訊解決方案。 離耳臨場感 Valve Index 耳機的設計為不接觸耳朵,讓聲音自由流淌、與您的頭部和耳朵結構互動,帶來更自然的聽覺體驗。這種耳機設計能虛擬音源大幅外移,聽來像由周遭環境傳來,而非發自頭部內部。 長時間舒適使用 不直接...
Upgrade your experience.Experience high fidelity virtual reality with Valve Index VR. Use your existing Base Stations with the Valve Index Headset + Controllers to upgrade your experience today.
The Index Headset has three plugs: Plug the headset DisplayPort cord into your graphics card port (if you have a laptop you may need anadapter. Plug the headset USB cord into a USB 3.0 port on your computer. Using the headset power adapter, plug your headset into a power outlet. ...
VALVE INDEX VR KIT $999 美元(頭戴顯示器、控制器、基地台) VALVE INDEX HEADSET + CONTROLLERS $749 美元 (頭戴顯示器、控制器) VALVE INDEX HEADSET $499 美元 (頭戴顯示器) VALVE INDEX CONTROLLERS $279 美元(控制器) 如果什麼都沒有的人,當然是需要買完整的 Kit;但是如果家裡已經有架設好的 Vive ...
Enjoy the best VR experience on your Valve Index VR headset. Get our VR Cover, foam replacements, and facial interfaces to improve hygiene and comfort.
Valve Index 头戴式显示器 + 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要定位器和 PC。 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 Valve Index 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要Vive、Vive Pro 专业版或Valve Index 头戴式显示器,以及定位器和 PC。
✨ Valve index vr full kit: a full set of all-in-one vr headset base stations and vr, the all-in-one valve index gives you the right amount of leverage to keep your game ready in one place. ✨ Complete kit: vr headset base station with controllers, power adapter, cable management...
✨ Valve index vr full kit: a full set of all-in-one vr headset base stations and vr, the all-in-one valve index gives you the right amount of leverage to keep your game ready in one place. ✨ Complete kit: vr headset base station with controllers, power adapter, cable management...
SteamVR 是在自选硬件上体验 VR 内容的终极工具。SteamVR 支持 Valve Index、HTC Vive、Oculus Rift、Windows 混合现实头戴式显示器等各种硬件。 现在处于什么状态? 随时查看始终显示的 VR 状态监视器,对 VR 系统状态一目了然。通过这个简单易用的窗口,轻松调整和自定义视觉、音效和输入设置。