定位器 2.0 任何房间均可使用,每个动作随时捕获。 了解更多 Steam 和 SteamVR Steam 一如既往地支持各种硬件。您在 Steam 上购买的任何 VR 游戏均可在所有兼容 SteamVR 的 VR 头戴式显示器上畅玩。 Valve Index® 可在Steam 商店单独或整套购买
Valve Index 头戴式显示器 + 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要定位器和 PC。 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 Valve Index 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要Vive、Vive Pro 专业版或Valve Index 头戴式显示器,以及定位器和 PC。
业界最佳房间规模定位 定位器 2.0 版更加彰显顶级品质的定位功能,现具有更大范围、更宽视场,兼具可扩展性。 覆盖更广 更大的游玩范围、更多的探索空间。 更大的范围和视场 全新的单转子设计提供了更宽广的视场和更大的范围。现使用两个定位器,您可以享受比上一代产品大四倍的游玩范围。 可扩展 添加第三...
Index Hardware CAD This repository contains the mechanical CAD for components of all three primary products in theValve Index VR system(controller, headset, and base station), under a Creative Commons license. We're looking forward to seeing what the community creates! Please reach out to us at...
欢迎来到 Valve 开发者社区 12,415篇记录了开发过程的文章 注册成为社区的一员! 无论你想要制作一款商业游戏,还是一个半衰期 2(Half-Life® 2)的模组,你都可以在此网站上找到您需要的信息!你可以免费加入Valve开发者社区,我们向所有使用起源引擎与起源 SDK的开发者开放 ...
Download the installer:https://github.com/ValveSoftware/unity-xr-plugin/releases/tag/installer Open your unity project and then open/import the unitypackage Open the XR Management UI (Edit Menu -> Project Settings -> XR Plugin Management) ...
Valve Time This page containsmaterial that is kept because it is consideredhumorous. Such material may not necessarily be meant to be taken seriously. Valve timeis an industry term used jokingly with game/software/update releases from Valve, used to acknowledge the difference between the "promised...
Here provides automatic pressure control APC software for all Htc APC electric valves, the APC software remains the latest version. To request or download the APC software information, please contact us. After completing your contact information, we will process it as soon as possible. ...
雙元件鏡片 Valve Index 頭戴顯示器內建的特製鏡片將視野拓展至極限,同時保留每一處視角的清晰度。在您移動雙眼(非頭部)環視場景時,高幾何穩定性能將變形控制在最低限度。 傾斜鏡片 頭戴顯示器的螢幕不與使用者的視線垂直放置,而是向外傾斜 5 度,進而在平衡內側視野的同時改善外側視野。 「...
All VR titles will work great with the Index Controllers using standard controls by default. We have been working with the VR developer community throughout R&D and many developers have made updates to take advantage of the new controllers for launch. Browse new and updated games for Valve Index...