Valve Index V2 Apache Comfort Strap PU Leather Regular Price$33.00Sale Price$21.95 Sale Valve Index Counter Balance Enthusiast Kit 200 Gram (7 Oz) Regular Price$47.00Sale Price$31.95 New Valve Index Protective Storage Bag Set (3 x Bags) ...
Valve Index 头戴式显示器 + 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要定位器和 PC。 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 Valve Index 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要Vive、Vive Pro 专业版或Valve Index 头戴式显示器,以及定位器和 PC。
The Valve Index HMD includes stereo, global-shutter RGB cameras made for computer vision, enabling applications like high-quality stereo pass-through. We are excited to see what the computer vision community creates.Sample code coming soon Front expansion slot Lovingly referred to as the Frunk,...
Why is Samsung HMD Odyssey better than Valve Index? 166 g lighter ?644 gvs810 g 1 more HDMI ports ?1vs0 Has a compass ? Scroll down for more details Why is Valve Index better than Samsung HMD Odyssey? 20° wider field of view ?130°vs110° 1.6x higher refresh rate ?144Hzvs90Hz...
Apparently coinciding with the increasing availability of the headset, Valve put Index front and center on the Steam store front page for all to see, with a “Get it now” call to action and a $500 advertised price (the cost of just the headset alone). ...
Valve一直是虚拟现实(VR)行业中的佼佼者,其先后推出了SteamVR跟踪系统以及Valve Index头显。本周,它发布了一项新专利,专利内容着重介绍了关于新式头显、无线和独立头戴式显示器(HMD)的设计理念。 Valve在2020年9月就申请了这项专利,这仅仅在Index发行的一年后,Value的种种行为都表明了其对于扩大VR硬件业务的强烈愿...
Yeah, but after waiting for 4 years, i can finally afford a Rift S (which even has better PPD than Valve’s HMD), whereas the Index is completely out of my reach at that crazy price. Rogue Transfer About one tenth of a PPD difference, taking approx. monocular FOV(each panel’s hor...
Valve Index HMD experiencing flickering when launching SteamVR on machines with Radeon RX 5700-series graphics cards, is fixed. Radeon WattMan auto-tuning global settings not applying per-game has also been fixed. WattMan showing max values instead of increased values in auto-tuning results screen...
a couple of months ago support for the Valve Index on the A770 LE landed in Linux. What is the state of it on Windows? On the latest driver ( from 9th December 2023) Windows tries to use the HMD as a display and SteamVR reports that it isn't connected. I have Inte...