Valve Index 头戴式显示器 + 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要定位器和 PC。 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 尚未在您所在的国家/地区销售 Valve Index 控制器 包含《半衰期:爱莉克斯》。 需要Vive、Vive Pro 专业版或Valve Index 头戴式显示器,以及定位器和 PC。
The Valve Index HMD includes stereo, global-shutter RGB cameras made for computer vision, enabling applications like high-quality stereo pass-through. We are excited to see what the computer vision community creates.Sample code coming soon Front expansion slot Lovingly referred to as the Frunk,...
Apparently coinciding with the increasing availability of the headset, Valve put Index front and center on the Steam store front page for all to see, with a “Get it now” call to action and a $500 advertised price (the cost of just the headset alone). ...
Valve Index Recommended VR Specifications: Video Card:NVIDIA GTX 1070 / AMD RX 580 or greater CPU:Intel i5-7500 / AMD Ryzen 5 1600 or greater Memory:12GB+ RAM Video Output:DisplayPort 1.2 USB Ports:1x USB 2.0+ port (USB 3.0 required for camera passthrough) ...
Valve Index HMD experiencing flickering when launching SteamVR on machines with Radeon RX 5700-series graphics cards, is fixed. Radeon WattMan auto-tuning global settings not applying per-game has also been fixed. WattMan showing max values instead of increased values in auto-tuning results screen...
As the proud and excited owner of a shiny new Valve Index kit to go with my almost-new all-AMD rig, I thought I’d outline the journey to getting it all working, exclusively on Linux.
ValveIndexHMD 今天,Steam公开了2022年一月份的硬件和软件调查报告,在此次报告上,RTX 30系显卡第一次跻身前十。显卡排行前十根据数据来看,在一月份,Steam上使用最多的显卡依旧是GTX 1060,但占比相比之前略有下降;而后,GTX 1650及GTX 1650 Ti的使用量出现了小幅增长。而本月榜单第十位,则落到了移动版的RTX ...
Want to see what exactly is inside the $500 (headset only price) Valve Index VR headset that was released last summer?Take a look at this teardownby [Ilja Zegars]. Not only does [Ilja] pull the device apart, but he identifies each IC and takes care to point out some of the more ...