2. 医源性室缺是经导管主动脉瓣置换术的严重并发症,必须和瓣周漏鉴别; 3. 将第2个瓣膜放入左室流出道的“瓣中瓣”(valve-in-valve)技术,或可作为挽救途径; 4. 瓣中瓣术时若需修补严重室缺,并避免缺损进一步扩大时,推荐自膨...
An instant guide to Valve in Valve procedures for clinicians. Valve in Valve Mitral app provides information specific for a clinical scenario, quickly and simply. This will help in the planning of and performing a mitral Valve in Valve or Valve in Ring case. The application navigates the user...
免费查询更多电磁阀in valve详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
Valve in Valve 来自 ahajournals.org 喜欢 0 阅读量: 150 作者:EM Tuzcu,Samir R. Kapadia,Lars G. Svensson 摘要: Dr Tuzcu is an unpaid member of the executive committee and investigator of the Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valve (PARTNER) trial. Dr Kapadia is an unpaid member of the ...
doi:10.1016/j.jcin.2024.07.037tricuspid regurgitationtricuspid transcatheter valve replacementvalve-in-valveJACC: Cardiovascular InterventionsJoo Ferreira-Martins MD, PhDRussell Franks MBChB, PhDJames D. Newton MB ChB, MDSam Dawkins MBBS, BSc, DPhilThomas J. Cahill MA, MBBS, DPhil...
The valve seating velocity in the HAECVVS was found to be lower under conditions of high and low speed of the diesel engine. 对电控可变气门系统中气门的运动速度进行了研究,发现在高、低转速时,电控可变气门系统均具有气门落座速度低的特点。 参考来源中压共轨电控柴油机可变气门系统的研究 机油泵-引用...
Define inlet valve. inlet valve synonyms, inlet valve pronunciation, inlet valve translation, English dictionary definition of inlet valve. inlet valve. Translations. English: inlet valve n valvola d'aspirazione. Italian / Italiano: valvola d'aspirazione
The three major forces involved invalveactuation are thrust, torque and rimpull. 决定阀门操作的力主要有三种:推力, 扭矩和边缘拉力. 期刊摘选 Minimum dimension from centerline ofvalveto handwheel when ordered without floorstand. 如果不订购地轴承架,则最小长度尺寸为阀门中心至手轮的长度. ...