SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION, VALUES, ETHICSaccording to the author. Clockwork Garden - On the Mechanistic Reduction of LivingThings . Roger J. Faber. 1986. University of Massachusetts Press. 268 pages. Index.ISBN: 0-87023-521-4. Hard cover $25.00. In searching forTCA Brannigan...
FunctionandValuesofPhilosophyInterpretedfromtheDiversionsin 第27卷第7期 2011年7月 贵州师范学院学报 JournalofGuizhouNormalCollege V01.27.No.7 Ju1.20Il 从西方哲学的几次转向看哲学的功能与价值 张贵银 (贵州师范学院经济与政治学院,贵州贵阳 550018) 摘要:许多人认为学哲学无用,这其实是一个最大的误区。从西...
Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOI Publisher NamePalgrave Macmillan, New York Print ISBN978-1-137-58080-1 Online ISBN978-1-137-58081-8 eBook PackagesReligion and PhilosophyPhilosophy and Religion (R0)Publish with us Policies and ethicsAccess...
education, management, and human capital. Because it represents the ultimate “why” behind decisions and behaviors, as a concept it plays an outsized role in both theory and practice in each of these fields. Despite the
However, the reality shows that many people do not understand the philosophy of Wayang Punokawan. In addition, there are still some people who underestimate the edu- cation taught in the Wayang Punokawan and some even consider it haram (forbidden). They also assume that there is no teaching ...
Philosophy of the Brain "What is the mind?""What is the relationship between brain and mind?"These are common questions. But "What is the brain?" is a rare question in both the neurosciences and philosophy. The reason for this may lie in the brain itself: Is th... G Northoff 被引量...
Ao inves disso, 1 Publicado originalmente em ingles sob o titulo “Rules, principles and defeasibility” em On the nature of legal principles. Proceedings of the Special Workshop “The Principle Theory”. 23rd World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social ...
The Will to believe and other essays in Popular Philosophy. London: Longman. Google Scholar Kleinbauern Vereinigung (Peasant association). 2022. Petition « Jeder Hof zählt– Jetzt das Hofsterben stoppen!». Letter of the Federal Coucil published by the Kleinbauern Vereiningung. Online: ...
Among the events which have reinforcing effects on people are the behaviors of other people. and such events are traditionally called moral or ethical values. A science of behavior is therefore a science of values, moral and otherwise. And Radical Behaviorism, because it is the philosophy of a...
the distinction between the good and the right is one of the cornerstones of moral philosophy (e.g.Ross, 1930;Gray, 1995, 147–148), yet there is a noticeable lack of clarity in IPBES frameworks when it comes to the difference between these two concepts of value. For example, in the ...