问题场景 MySQL建分区表之后,并建立了连续多个分区。但是为了做测试,就删除了其中一个分区。在重建的过程中,提示报错,报错提示为: VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasingforeach partition 本篇博客主要是针对此种情况进行说明并提供解决方案。 问题环境 问题原因 分区表是按范围进行分区,其中,分区顺序是...
The most significant impacts appear to be coming from people whose values and lifestyles are considerably less materialistic than traditional American values. Work at SRI, spanning more than a decade, had identified a new and rapidly growing group of people, the 'inner directeds'; while more ...
Thanks. I haven’t used R yet, but should probably start. I used to use SPlus, which I understand is the same or very similar, so I’m sure it wouldn’t be much of a stretch. But I find that most of my clients use either SPSS or SAS. I suspect R is going to infiltrate the...
In 1973 only five percent and in 1974 less than three percent of the Saarlanders were Post-Materialists. This level is far below the proportion normally found in the West but it accords with the fact that the Saar is by far the poorest Land in Germany. Post-Materialists seem to be a...
In the above example, HLOOKUP looks for the value 11000 in row 3 in the specified range. It does not find 11000 and hence looks for the next largest value less than 1100 and returns 10543. For more information, seeHLOOKUP function. ...
The ordinal chance for it is less than 1%. However I've found these settings that make chance much bigger, and got this issue reproduced on my test server very reliably. Here are all my options: Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL => true, Memcached::OPT_TCP_NODELAY => true, Memcached::OPT...
In the US and other jurisdictions, there is even less clarity on what constitutes legitimacy. There, data protection provisions tend to be sector-specific and to address people as consumers rather than citizens, which leads to framing legitimacy in relation to commercial, rather than public, ...
less than (or equal to) If the actual units ordered is greater than 0: (actual units ordered * 100) / % complete If the actual units ordered is zero: projected units from SKU/offer greater than 0 greater than (actual units ordered * 100) / % complete (if the actual units ordere...
IsGreaterThan IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo IsHidden IsInError IsInline IsLessThan IsLessThanOrEqualTo IsManagedFoldersRoot IsMeeting IsMeeting (CalendarEventDetails) IsMeetingRequest IsMeetingResponse IsMember IsMember (FederatedDirectoryGroupType) IsMembershipGroup IsModerated IsNDR IsNotEqualTo IsNotSupported ...