aThis year's exhibit hall will feature a welcome event on Sunday, September 23, and a post-conference networking event on Monday, September 24. Those interested in no-cost exhibit space, or having their organization become a supporter of the conference, may find more information in our informa...
Values, in other words, help determine how people ought to behave with the result that people will exhibitand expect behaviors according to their value systems. To the extent that cultural value systems differ, we may expect that intercultural communication participants will tend to exhibit and to...
As a result of the rise of humanism in the west, the above basic 16、 belief has changed to one seeing humans as a mixture of good and evil. In other words, everyone has the good side and bad side. Therefore, there is law system in human society to reward the good in people and ...
The memory (RAM) is huge enough to contain various values. The particularity of this memory is that it is temporary. In other words, it holds its values for a while and looses them when they are not needed anymore (an example is when the computer shuts down, the RAM is emptied). Norm...
Moralvaluescannot be taught in a vacuum. 道德价值观的教育不能脱离实际。 柯林斯例句 Victorianvaluesare much misunderstood. 维多利亚时代的价值观受到了严重误解。 柯林斯例句 a lack of spiritualvaluesin the modern world 现代世界精神价值的缺失 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 ...
In other words, women and men should be equally treated. Practicality and efficiency: Americans have a reputation for being realistic, practical, and efficient. The practical consideration is likely to be given highest priority in making any important decision. Americans pride themselves in not being...
In simpler words,values are a standard for knowing and judging things. In our daily life,we often express our views on some certain things or objects,evaluating whether or not they are important,correct,reasonable,advisable,true,good and beautiful,and whether they are consistent with our wishes ...
In our next analysis, we explored whether value distinctiveness across countries was correlated with the heterogeneity of values within countries. In other words, are countries where citizens disagree on values more like the rest of the world than countries where citizens have more homogeneous values?