sustainability14. ‘Specific values’, the typology’s third layer, refer to how judgements regarding the importance of nature and its contributions to people are justified in ‘specific’ contexts. It is well established that nature’s specific values can be instrumental (nature as a means to a...
SELECT sems.Semester, FORMAT(sems.SemesterStart, N'yyyy') Year, FORMAT(sems.SemesterStart, N'MMMM') "Semester spans from", FORMAT(sems.SemesterEnd, N'MMMM') "Semester spans to", FORMAT(sems.SemesterStart, N'D') "Start of Semester", FORMAT(sems.SemesterEnd, N'D') "End of Semest...
For the adult general population, the HBM-GVs for the specific metabolite(s) of the respective parent compounds in urine are the following: 0.5 mg/L for the sum of 5-oxo-MEHP and 5-OH-MEHP; 0.19 mg/L for MnBP, 0.23 mg/L for MiBP; 3 mg/L for MBzP; 0.5 mg/L for the sum...