(url="https://blog.csdn.net/liboshi123/", verify=False) 运行上面的代码的时候,发现报了下面的错误: raise ValueError("check_hostname requires server_hostname")ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname 报错的原因: 这个其实跟选用的python版本的关系不大 分享回复赞 python吧 贴吧用户_QNWa9...
Python安装pandas和epanettools时,报错ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname,本文主要介绍解决方法。 安装命令: pip install epanettoolspip install pandas 异常错误: ERROR: Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\users\ziyuan\appdata\local\programs\python\python38\lib\site-...
_create( File "D:\Python\lib\ssl.py", line 997, in _create raise ValueError("check_hostname requires server_hostname") ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname 图二 清华:https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 阿里云:http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ 中国科技大学 https:...
Either way, it seems too general to have to catch any old ValueError to catch invalid URLs. mike-hart commented Sep 8, 2020 I've been recently similarly affected by this. Catching ValueError feels a little too broad on a call to session.get unless https://github.com/aio-libs/yarl was...
in _fast_trace_task tasks, accept, hostname = _loc ValueError...: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 0) 解决方法网上检索到资料 https://github.com/celery/celery/issues...启动 celery 的启动命令换成: # moduleName 模块名,django 项目的话就是项目名 celery -A worker -l info -...
https://sentry.io/gns3/gns3-server/issues/241758837/ ValueError: Invalid URL: host is required for abolute urls. (13 additional frame(s) were not displayed) ... File "gns3server/controller/compute.py", line 381, in connect response = yield from self._run_http_query("GET", "/capabili...
You need to use splunk management port (default is 8089) and in host you need to just provide hostname or IP address (Do not pass http:// or https://) Have alook at example here https://dev.splunk.com/enterprise/docs/python/sdk-python/howtousesplunkpython/howtoconnectpython/ 0 Karma...
一.系统偏好设置修改 1.打开系统偏好设置,底部有一个Hosts的快捷入口 2.输入ip和hostname后,回车确定,勾选改host即可 二.终端命令行修改(亲测可行) sudo vi /etc/hosts 1.输入本机密码后,打开hosts文件,键盘输入 i (插入),修改hosts文件后,按 esc 键退出,再按shift+:键,再输入w和q,保存退出 2.不保存退...
使用ngrok内网穿透访问Vue项目出现Invalid Host header的解决办法 使用ngrok内网穿透只返回304,invalid host header 原因:新版的webpack-dev-server出于安全考虑,默认检查hostname,如果hostname不是配置内的,将中断访问。 我遇到这个问题后,在网上找到了好几个方法,但是解决我的问题的只有下面这个: 解决:webpack.dev.con...