Domain S_CARR_ID (data type CHAR, length 3) in theflight modeldescribes the three-place code of the airlines. All the airlines are listed together with their codes in table SCARR. It is advisable to check fields referring to domain S_CARR_ID against table SCARR. You enter SCARR as th...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Learners, Today i am going to explain what is check table and value table, what are the difference between the check and value table and steps to create basic check table and value table. Note : Here i am explaining basic level explanation in check ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Check Table:The Check Table is the table used by system to check if a data exist or not exist. While creating a table if you want to be sure that a field can have some values and these are in a certain table, you can give IT this table as...
1、直接访问表 dd07l和dd07T select * from dd07l where domname = 'domname' and as4local = active. 2、使用SAP的标准函数 call function 'DD_DOMVALUES_GET' exporting domname = p_domname importing rc = l_subrc tables dd07v_tab = l_dd07v exceptions wrong_textflag = 1 others = 2....
valueTYPEchar10,ENDOFgs_001.TYPESgty_001TYPETABLEOFgs_001WITHDEFAULT KEY.DATA:gt_002TYPETABLEOFgs_001.*直接定義結構賦值DATAgw_a1TYPEgs_001. gw_a1= VALUE #( code ='01'value ='test01').*行內聲明賦值DATA(gw_a2) = VALUE gs_001( code ='01'value ='test02').*BASE關鍵字DATA(gw_a3...
2012年,SAP推出了 ABAP 7.40 版本,这在 ABAP 发展历史上也是一个重要的里程碑,因为这个版本的 ABAP,引入了很多新的语法特性,让 ABAP 融合了同时代很多其他高级编程语言,比如 Java 和C#的语法: 光阴似箭,转眼间 12 年就过去了。本教程会用一个系列的篇幅,给大家普及 ABAP 7.40 这些新语法特性的作用和使...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Prakash, Value Range tab in Domain is useful to provide the value help for a particular field. U can give a set of values for the field. Can specify the value table name too, if the tables are mapped with each other. table dependent on other tab...
An optional start value for the content can be specified for the content of the internal table after BASE (see below).One more optional consecutive iteration expressions can then be specified using FOR (see below).The table rows are then constructed in one or more sets of internal parentheses...
2012年,SAP 推出了 ABAP 7.40 版本,这在 ABAP 发展历史上也是一个重要的里程碑,因为这个版本的 ABAP,引入了很多新的语法特性,让 ABAP 融合了同时代很多其他高级编程语言,比如 Java 和 C# 的语法: 光阴似箭,转眼间 12 年就过去了。本教程会用一个系列的篇幅,给大家普及 ABAP 7.40 这些新语法特性的作用和使用...
looks like I'll have to manually check for conversion exchange rate from SAP table and manullay code the conversion? Reply Former Member 2013 Aug 08 10:22 AM 0 Kudos 1,870 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Pawan Use FM 'CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY'. Reply Former Member I...