这篇paper提出了Value Prediction Network (VPN),一种结合了model-free和model-basedRL的新网络,基于option-conditional(对比与一般的action-conditional)的对未来的prediction训练abstract states(observation/state的latent space),并在这个space中learn dynamics model。 文章empirically展示了VPN在一些predict raw observation...
Value Prediction Network 发表时间:2017(NIPS 2017) 文章要点:这篇文章提出了一个叫Value Prediction Network (VPN)的网络结构用来预测未来的value,而不是未来的观测,然后来做model based RL。虽然文章强调说plan without predicting future observations,但实际上其实也用了abstract的观测来做planning。网络具体包括四部分...
Indeed, previous work tested for such integrated coding in a region of the prefrontal cortex connected to the information prediction network and was consistent with the latter alternative: most neurons did not integrate information and reward into total subjective value, instead encoding them with ...
Accurate prediction of the NPV is a quite difficult process. This paper mainly deals with the development of a new model to predict NPV using artificial neural network (ANN) in the Zarshuran gold mine, Iran. Gold price (as the main product), silver price (as the byproduct), and discount...
We introduce several different metaprediction structures, in order to properly select the current best predictor: two non-adaptive metapredictors and an adaptive one, represented by a neural network. The experimental results obtained using metaprediction applied only to the best four favorable registers...
Mean particle size prediction in rock blast fragmentation using neural networks Prediction capability of the trained neural network models as well as multivariate regression models was found to be strong and better than the existing ... PHSW Kulatilake,Q Wu,T Hudaverdi,... - 《Engineering Geology...
Research in imbalanced domain learning has almost exclusively focused on solving classification tasks for accurate prediction of cases labelled with a rare class. Approaches for addressing such problems in regression tasks are still scarce due to two main factors. First, standard regression tasks assume...
等号左边叫Prediction,等式右边叫TD target。整体流程为: DQN 2.4 Q-Learning Q-Learning也是TD算法,但是是用来学习最优动作价值函数的,TD target是: y_t=r_t+\gamma\cdot\max_aQ^\star(s_{t+1},a). 跟上面的截图步骤相同,可以用来训练DQN。 疑问:如何得到 \max_aQ^\star(s_{t+1},a) 呢? 2.5...
等式左边可以认为是模型对于时刻t关于参数w的预测值(Prediction);右边则是真实值+模型对于时刻t+1关于参数w的预测值,和式记为TD target。 个人理解,这是一个贝尔曼方程,具体可以参照忆臻:马尔科夫决策过程之Bellman Equation(贝尔曼方程) 三、总结(Summary) ...
This paper proposes a novel deep reinforcement learning (RL) architecture, called Value Prediction Network (VPN), which integrates model-free and model-based RL methods into a single neural network. In contrast to typical model-based RL methods, VPN learns a dynamics model whose abstract states ...