《朱子语类》卷七一:“ 范文正公 等行得尊重,其人才亦忠厚。” 《二刻拍案惊奇》卷九:“官人请尊重,有话慢讲。” 曹禺《雷雨》第二幕:“用不着你问。请你自己放尊重一点。” 尊重他人是美德,是修养,古今中外多少名家居士给我们做出了榜样。 尊重生命、尊重他人...
If you want to know the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. Over the course of a week, they collect, organize, and analyze a large amount of information to write articles with depth and breadth. It has been an intense and fulfilling week for them. They feel the ...
To realize the value of one week: 要想知道一周的价值 Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. 就去问问周报的编辑 To realize the value of one hour: 要想知道一小时的价值 Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. 就去问等待相会的恋人 To ...
①To know the value(珍贵) of one week, ask editors(编辑) of weekly newspaper. To know the value of one hour, ask lovers who are waiting to meet. To know the value of one minute, ask the person who missed the train. To know the value of one second(秒),ask the one being saved ...
①To know the value of one week, ask editors(编辑) of the weekly newspaper.To know the value of one hour, ask lovers who are waiting to meet.To know the value of one minute, ask the person who missed the train.To know the value of one second, ask the one who was saved in an ...
THEVALUEOFTIME KatharineSun Torealizethevalueofoneyear: Askastudentwhohasfailedafinalexam. Torealizethevalueofonemonth: Askamotherwhohasgivenbirthtoaprematurebaby. Torealizethevalueofoneweek: Askaneditorofaweeklynewspaper. Torealizethevalueofonehour: ...
8. The winner will receiveten pounds' worth ofbooks. 获胜者将得到价值十英镑的书籍。 9. I went and boughtabout six dollars' worth ofpotato chips. 我去买了大约6美元的薯条。 ●如是这样的句式:a week's, month's, etc. worth of sth.表示的意思是“能用...
The Value of TimeTo realize the value of ONE YEAR,ask a student who failed a grade.To realize the value of ONE MONTH,ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.To realize the value of ONE WEEK,ask ...
根据诗歌中"To know the value of one week","To know the value of one hour"可知,此处应填"To know the value of one minute"与其保持一致。故选D。99.细节理解题。根据诗歌中"To know the value of one second,ask the one being saved in an accident."可知,应选在事故中被救援的人。故选C。
Ⅱ.阅读理解To know the value of one week, ask editors(编辑) of weekly newspapers.To know the value of one hour, ask lovers who are waiting to meet.To know the value of one minute, ask the person who missed the train.To know the value of one second, ask the one being saved in ...