Abstract This chapter reviews various methodologies that have been used for incorporating value judgments in data envelopment analysis. We first raise some issues concerning the meaning of the input and output weights in DEA, and then point out the main reasons why value judgments may be required ...
The FILTER function is adynamic array formulameaning it returns an array of values to cell B18 and cells below automatically. Back to top 4.1 Explaining formula Step 1 - Check which dates are larger or equal to the start date condition ...
You’ve learned thatJava objectsare passed by value, meaning thata copy of the value is passed. Just remember that the copied value points to areal objectin the Java memory heap. Also, remember that passing by value changes the value of the real object. ...
This implies that decisions are made by endowing information with subjective value and integrating it with the value of extrinsic rewards, but the mechanism is unknown. Here, we show that human and monkey value judgements obey strikingly conserved computational principles during multi-attribute ...
The Meaning of Patent Citations : Reports on the NBER/Case-Western Reserve Survey of Patentee By using survey data on a large sample of European patents, this paper estimates the determinants of the value of patent portfolios. We separate the impact... A Jaffe - 《Patents Citations & Innov...
Estimation of the rank of a matrix of measured FRF data can be made using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a composite FRF (CFRF) matrix, [A]Nf×NoNi Each column of the CFRF matrix contains elements of an individual FRF measured for given input/output location combination at all...
Therefore, even though Saltair generated plenty of positive brand searches, it still has a limited share of voice in the broader body lotion market. Share of voice can directly correlate with market share, meaning it's a mature metric that helps determine the true impact of all marketing effor...
This study investigated the roles of communicative value and linguistic knowledge in second language input processing. It was hypothesized that focus of attention on an element of low communicative value would negatively affect input processing for meaning while focus of attention on an element of high...
The attribute is part of the state value. Discussion: A—No, while the underline indicates the attribute is “class-scoped”, commonly called “static”. In this case, “static” does not mean that the value cannot change. C—No, I made this up to sound plausible without meaning anything...
This is the meaning of relative worth over time. Always remember that it is the item in the initial year for which the relative value is calculated. Even if that item, or something comparable to it, may not exist in the desired year, the relative worth of the past item is still ...