Hence, the time value of money equation is expressed as: {eq}FV_N=PV(1+I)^N{/eq} Considering this equation, recall that the time value of money definition is the idea that money today is worth more than the same amount of money in the future because of its earning potential over ti...
解答: The length of time can be found from the equation: 800(1+0.04t)=1000⇒n=6.25years 4.1.2 积累因子 定义积累因子(Accumulation factor)A(t1,t2)为t1时刻单位1的投资在t2时刻的积累值. A(0,n)可以简写为A(n). 单利的情况,在时间区间(0,n)上的积累因子:A(n)=1+ni 复利的情况,在时间区...
10 9 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 13:50 10 10 Consolidation adjustments relating to SOCI你的英语进步神奇。跟老外学会计英语ACCA,你的英语进步神奇 13:37 10 12 Associates 13:09 1 5 The accounting equation你的英语进步神奇。跟老外学会计英语ACCA,你的英语进步神奇,照此方法,精听-跟...
s time. Time value of money exists due toinflationand preference of people for present consumption. On account of inflation, you might not be able to buy the same amount of goods in future compared to today as the purchasing power of money decreases due to inflation. People basically prefer...
value的意思是价值。短语搭配:1、put a high value on.高度重视。2、value for money.物有所值之物。3、market value.市场价值。4、be valued at.被重视。5、deliver value to.向……传递价。6、value equation.价值方程式。7、monetary value.货币价值。8、corporate value.企业价值。双语例句:1...
Let’s say you want to be a millionaire. The discounting formula will tell you how much you’ll need to start—and how long you’ll have to invest that money—to get there. Here’s what that equation looks like: Pretty self-explanatory. Your future value is what you want in the futu...
Therefore, the equation can be represented as the following: We can see that the exponent is equal to the number of years for which the money is earning interest in an investment. So, the equation for calculating the three-year future value of the investment would look like this: This ...
Because the future value equation is simple,you will probably find that calculating the future value of a single amount can be done easily using this equation. However, some students will prefer to use a spreadsheet to do these calculations. Although the future value of a single amount is st...
FVFuture Value of Money. The equation is to solve what the future value of your amount will be. In our example, it would be about finding the value of the $500 in a year’s time. PVPresent Value of Money. The amount of money you are examining, which in the example would be $500...
1、常用会计名词(中英文对照)accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法account 账户account payable 应付账款account receivable 应收账款accountant会计师、会计人员accounting会计accounting cycle 会计循环accounting equation会计等式accounting information system 会计信息系统accrual-basis accounting 应计制会计、权责发生制...