2.1.1195 Part 1 Section 19.7.45, ST_TLTimeNodeRestartType (Time Node Restart Type) 2.1.1196 Part 1 Section 19.7.48, ST_TLTriggerEvent (Trigger Event) 2.1.1197 Part 1 Section 19.7.55, ST_ViewType (List of View Types) 2.1.1198 Part 1 Section, bldChart (Build Chart) 2.1....
However, humans and animals eagerly seek information about uncertain future rewards, even when this does not provide any objective value. This implies that decisions are made by endowing information with subjective value and integrating it with the value of extrinsic rewards, but the mechanism is ...
First, we investigate value-profile stability: the stability (within individuals) of the relative order of importance of values. We compare the average value-profile stability between four different generations. Next, we analyze the stability of each value-type: we compare the rank-order stability ...
2.1.1817 Part 4 Section, deg (Degree) 2.1.1818 Part 4 Section, degHide (Hide Degree) 2.1.1819 Part 4 Section, den (Denominator) 2.1.1820 Part 4 Section, dispDef (Use Display Math Defaults) 2.1.1821 Part 4 Section, e (Base ...
this involves the overhead of calling the object'scopy constructorand thendestructor. Instead you should pass a const reference to the object. This has the effect of only passing the pointer to the object, but also ensuring that the object is not modified by the method. This can be particula...
financial enterprises to some degree. We implemented high-availability, high-scalability, and high-flexibility systems under strict supervision predicated on customer security and experience. CMB now compares favorably to Internet companies in terms of database architecture standards and implementation ...
In addition, the construction period of wind farms is short, and the scale of investment construction has a great degree of flexibility. Therefore, wind energy has become one of the fastest-growing renewable energy in the past decade [2]. Fig. 9.1A shows the worldwide installed cumulative ...
The following example calculates the slope aspect direction based on the Input Degree value. With the Input Degree variable value of 223, the output aspect direction returns South. Expression: getAspectDir("%Input Degree%") Code Block: def getAspectDir(inValue): inValue = int(i...
However, the boundaries of tumor infiltration are difficult to define, and the degree of peritumoral edema (PTE) can reflect the extent of tumor cell infiltration and invasion to a certain extent. PTE usually shows a high signal on the T2 sequence but no enhancement on T1CE, which is also...
*NOTAVL The user is not allowed to view the auditing system value. QAUDLVL21 Auditing level extension Auditing CHAR 990 *NONE *AUTFAIL Authorization failures. *ATNEVT Attention events. *CREATE Object creations. *DELETE Deletions of external objects on the system are audited. *JOBBAS Job base ...