Barbie dolls were once the object of desire of every little girl. Now some of the vintage Barbie dolls can fetch a hefty sum at auction. Learn how to value Barbies on our Value My Stuff Blog!
18, October 2023Barbie Dolls Written by Alexander Bitar The Barbie doll has unarguably been one of the most monumental and influential phenomena of modern toys and children's media. From the first Barbie in 1959 to this day, children across the world are able to enjoy what Barbie has to off...
If you have an original Barbie doll that is in mint condition and still inside the box, you can earn more than $23,000 for it. Now, that’s a lot of money! First Edition of 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Another childhood favorite, of course! Who could forget Harry Potter?
Antique and collectible toys resonate with collectors today for their ability to evokethe power of memory and nostalgia. From holding on to your first Barbie doll to discovering a mint-condition action figure from your childhood, these objects offer a glimpse at the historical evolution of toys in...
Speaking of chewing… Would you pay nearly $4 for this red dragon thing to growl at you? The dollar store sells dinosaur figures like this for under $2, brand new. Behold two naked Barbie dolls in a bag for the price of $3.99. These double gal pals are a fair price, but they’re...