When it’s a Tiffany, a box that she wants to show off, or when it’s a fancy car or even a clothing label with an R and L on it or a coach bag, all those things are about status signaling. I just don’t think people have, people over often enough to justify the price tag...
When it’s a Tiffany, a box that she wants to show off, or when it’s a fancy car or even a clothing label with an R and L on it or a coach bag, all those things are about status signaling. I just don’t think people have, people over often enough to justify the price tag...
key-value分布式存储系统查询速度快、存放数据量大、支持高并发,非常适合通过主键进行查询,但不能进行复杂的条件查询。如果辅以Real-Time Search Engine(实时搜索引擎)进行复杂条件检索、全文检索,就可以替代并发性能较低的MySQL等关系型数据库,达到高并发、高性能,节省几十倍服务器数量的目的。以MemcacheDB、Tokyo Tyrant...