brand volkswagen 64853 bmw 34441 opel 31757 mercedes_benz 29562 audi 27984 Name: brand, dtype: int64 <Figure size 360x216 with 1 Axes> vehicleType limousine 84843 kleinwagen 68415 kombi 59863 bus 26986 cabrio 20921 Name: vehicleType, dtype: int64 <Figure size 360x216 with 1 Axes> fuelTy...
Rear View: AUDI YOU LIKE IT; Entry Level A6 Offers Frills of an Executive with Value for MoneyThe Mirror (London, England)
既然定位在E-Segment,A6 Hybrid的车身尺码自然是不小,它的长宽高为4,933 mm X1,874 mm X1,455 mm,轴距达到了2,912 mm,整体的空间表现非常的出色。 内装的设计上A6 Hybrid跟现在的Audi车款并没有太大的差异,非常的有科技感,首先就是在中控台中央的独立式荧幕会在车辆熄火的时候收起,接着手刹车自然是电子式...